Theoretical Framework!!

Wednesday 29th September 

L/o- To apply the theoretical framework to media texts 

Media Language 

All the different elements used to construct any media product.


 The photography produced by a camera and especially a motion-picture, video, or television camera despite the realistic orientation of the writing and camerawork of tour of duty which in its first year occasionally employed "documentary" techniques such as a shaky camera and grainy footage. 
Shot type is how much of the object is captured in thee photo as well as that it is also the angle of the photo.


A track (as on a motion-picture film or television videotape) that carries the sound record sound: the sound recorded on a soundtrack especially : the music on a soundtrack.


It refers to everything placed on the stage or infront of the camera—including people. In other words, mise-en-scene is a catch-all for everything that contributes to the visual presentation and overall “look” of a production. When translated from French, it means “placing on stage.”


On its most fundamental level, film editing is the arttechnique and practicing of assembling the shots into a coherent sequence. The job of an editor is not simply to mechanically put pieces of a film together, cut off film slates or edit dialogue scenes. Editors usually play a dynamic role in the making of a film. Includes all the post production such as, transitions,
pace and speed of cuts, CGL, Green screening and Graphics.

         Stabling shot                                                             long shot 

It is usually used with a type of location.                    Were a Human is Infront of the camera 

 Mid shot                                                                             Close up 

Its were the shot only gets part of the persons      Shows the persons face and it shows how they feel 
body in.                                                                  during that shot.

Soundtrack                                                                           Diegetic                                                           DieIncludes All sound heard in a film/Tv show                Includes all sound heard in a film/Tv show
.Music  .Sound effects 
.Dialogue .Voiceover 

Non Diegetic                                                                         Diegetic sounds of the movie
Sounds that were added over the top of the scene                The talking, the grunting and the paper  and 
                                                                                               the bone breaking.




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