Media Language Analysis

 Wednesday 6th October 

L/O- To analyse a media text using Media Language 

The Camera shot is Medium Long Shot, i think they chose it so you can see his facial expressions and 

what he is wearing.

His Clothes suggest that the movie has something important to do with time because he has a watch on and the title says 'No time to die'.The props suggest is a gun and that tells me that the movie has something to do with a shooting or some type violence.The facial Expression  tells me that hes not happy and that he looks a bit frustrated.The background tells is a golden and light blue but dark blue colour and the floor is concrete. 

Diegetic sounds:

.Motorbike  .Guns  .Buildings collapsing 

.Talking   .Fighting Noises .Car crashes 

The trailer tells us that there is a lot of action because of the gun fires and car crashing, they put this in because if there is no action for entertainment it wouldn't be as exciting as it would be if they put the action in.The type of transition like a a fight scene with fire in and then the fire would go closer to the camera and it would move to the next scene of the movie.The scene would go fast at the start and then slower near the end or sometimes it would go slow at the start and then faster near the end and transition to the next scene. The Transition would fade to black to give the watcher some tension and make them want to go to watch it at the cinema because they want to know what happens next in the actual movie and what happens to the certain  character after the scene that was shown in the movie. 

Wednesday 13th October

 .The shot for this advertisement peace is Long Shot because everything is in the cover 

.This can suggest he is a spy because of the outfit he is wearing  but he is also kind because of the children he has next to him

Hair and Makeup- The Make up looks casual but some of the outfits are formal and you can tell that some of them are soldiers from what they are wearing, all the outfits aren't over the top a lot of the costumes they are part of a team or different teams and by the outfits you can tell that theres Action, Adventures and fantasy.

In the Dune trailer, the Mise-en-scene area is used effectively to show that the characters are a team or a different team since they are wearing similar clothes. By the the Clothes and make up you can tell that it is in a different universe and a different time, because they are wearing not casual clothes but formal clothes and by the clothes and make up you can tell that there will be a lot of action, Adventure and some fantasy. In another part of the dune tailor, when there using the soundtracks they make it sound exciting and interesting because there was swords noises when they pull it out of the sword handle of the side of their sword pocket. You can also tell when the characters in the show are running away from the sand storm type thing the music gets faster and it also gets more intense because of the way they are making the music go louder and the people scream. The creators of the show might use this location because they want people to know that this is a different universe or a different time of the world. People might want to go and see this because of how intense the movie gets and how exciting and interesting the tailor gets.



  1. This is a great first analysis Maghan. Well done.
    WWW: you've identified many elements of media language used
    EBI: try to use the term 'connotes' or 'connotations' as well


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