
Wednesday 10th May 

L:O- To research codes and conventions of similar products

Create a front cover and a double-page spread article for health and fitness, the magazine needs to be aimed at 14-18 year olds. 


Task 1:

1. On the front page of the exam they include motivational sentences 

2. On the cover there are models and objects 

3. The colour scheme is colours that will attract teenagers to the magazine example: Red and blue 

4. The Masthead is above the models body and the font is Isidore Sans

5. There is one image on the cover but with that there is some objects that are being used in the photo 

6. The cover lines are motivational sentences and there are also tips for beginners 

7. The barcode is placed on the right side at the bottom of the page 

8. There are 4 different fonts on the cover and at the top of the cover it goes from big medium and then small 

9. They are laid out so the model is empathised but the text is also noticeable 

10. 2

11. 4

12. The text is spread out

Wednesday 7th June 

L:O- To analysis magazine in detail 

Magazine 1: 

1. On the front cover of the magazine the colour palette is bright and more feminine colours such as, pink and red this suggest that the creators of the magazine want the audience to be more women then men the main image also shows that because the person who is an example for the audience is a women. The front cover is challenging stereotype of fitness in women because the women (main image) is wearing jeans and a t-shirt with her hair down and she is not outside instead she is in front of a green screen and in fitness magazines women tend to wear sports bra, sports leggings,  shorts with there hair up and they tend to be outside. With the layout on the magazine the text seems to be quite cramped but big enough to look like theres space, the reason why they have made it big is to attract the audience to the important messages. On the magazine there is only one image which will help the audience to focus on one thing which should be the image which can help the audience to get inspired. 

2. On this magazine the production values seem to be mid because the front cover isn't glossy but the pages also seem to have some thickness. 

3. I think that the importance of this magazine is telling the audience no matter the age you can still get fit and healthy because it says "ultimate wellness whatever your age" and that is proving the audience no matter the age you can still mange to get fit and healthy if you tried. Another main message is that diets wont just be able to help you lose wait and that you have to do fitness things as well having diets. The reason why i thing this is because it says "Joe Wicks on why diets dont work."

4. The colour palette is used with light colours so it can attract the audience and the creator also uses this so the important message can get across to the audience. The font style is basic but its also big so it can stand out. 

5. The women on the front cover is shown to be casual but is healthy as well and this is challenging stereotypes because in fitness magazines that is not what they would wear they would tend to wear sports bra, sports leggings,  shorts with there hair up.

6. The target is 40+ and it appeals to them because its a women around that age on the front cover showing how healthy and how happy she is and this appeals to the audience because they can see that someone there age has a good and healthy lifestyle and it would prove to the audience that they can do the same if they tried. 

7. I can tell that it is from the same brand because the brand that is used is the same subject of the magazine.  

Magazine 2:

1. On the front cover of the magazine the colour palette is dull there are only 2 different shades of green, dark blue and white and this suggest that since the main image (the women) has the main colour (blue) is the focus for the audience. 

2.  On this magazine the production values seem to be mid because the front cover isn't glossy but the pages also seem to have some thickness. 

3. I dont think there is a main message but i think the creator also wants the front over to show how the audience can live a life and i think that could possibly be the hidden message behind it all. 

4. The colour palette is used with dull colours so that suggest that the audiences main focus is the women body so they (as in the audience) can see what they could look like if they start a fit and healthy routine. 

5.The women on the front cover is shown to be un casual because she is just in underwear and a top and not many people would wear that on a daily basis but it is also helping the audience understand what type of lifestyle they can have. 

6.  The target audiences seems to be 18+ and i think this would appeal to them because the women is around that age and the audience can see that they can have that lifestyle as well. 

7. I can tell that it is from the same brand because the brand that is used is the same subject of the magazine.  

Wednesday 14th June

L:O- To analysis magazine in detail 

Style - My magazine will be general interest in gym magazine + fitness and health 

Typography - My font will be san serif font 

Image- Long shot and mid shot 

Masthead/logo design - Bold and standing out 

Cover/homepage layout -  Spaced out text, Main image women or boy doing a sports activity 

Colour palette - Plain - white, red and black. 

. Sport Star - Be healthy 

. The business of sports 

. White, red and black 

. A women or a man doing a sports activity 

Wednesday 21st June 

Wednesday 12th July 

L:O- To explore and understand how to use indesign for magazine layouts 

For my brief I have decided to do a fitness magazine to inspire
14–18year olds to get to their best limits. My title will be ‘Do more be more’ to help give them inspiration to get in better shape. My slogan will be ‘we believe everyone is better fitter’ so I can create the image of what the viewers life could be like if they get fitter. My specific target audience will be 15+ because 15+ is an average age where you start to care about what you look like more. With my magazine the ideal gender target is boys because the model on the main image will be a man. This magazine will be ideal to the teenagers and young adults who like going to the gym on a regular basis. For the masthead I am aiming it to stand out so the reader can be inspired. A way that the masthead is going to stand out is that it is going to be bold and it will be bright green and black. The colour palette will also stand out and it will reach the viewers’ attention by being bright and not bold.

Wednesday 13th September 

Coursework review 

L:O- To recap brief criteria and explore how to create effective representations  

1. For my layout the banner will be across the top and my masthead will be viewable but some of it will behind the main image. The main image will be my brother in law Aiden doing a pose in front of a plain background.  My cover lines will be around the main image, to add to that my colour palatte will be green and black and the font of my text will be modern.  

2. My double page spread will be about some certain recipes that will help you gain strength and lose weight with the image of the meal on one side. On the other side there will be a main image of Aiden doing a workout at the gym and there will be gym routines that let you gain muscle. 

To do list

. Get magazine layout idea completed 
. Find recipes that will help you lose/gain weight 
. Find gym routines 
. Finish brief off 
. Get main image of Aiden 
. Transport main image from phone to laptop 
. Complete front cover 
. Complete DPS 

Wednesday 27th September 

Do now:

Cover lines: 
Start today and get your arms like this 
Be your future selfs best friend 
Best work out tips here 
Be a pro at the gym
Bigger is better 
Healthier meals here

My final masthead  

Main image: 

Wednesday 1st November 

Do now: 

DPS Health magazine expectations:

.  An interview:
   What they eat for meals to keep them fit 
   What gym they go to 
   What they wear 
   What they do in there free time to keep fit 
   What exercises they do in the gym 
   How to work out 
   How to look after mental health 
   Reviews on certain things 
   Step by step guides 
   Problem page 
   Fact sheet 

Article writing 

L:O- To create a convincing article for a teen health and fitness magazine/website using appropriate language, tone and representation

The elements w need in a DPS: 
.Stand first 
.Sub headings 
.Page text
.Drop Cap
.Pull Quote 
.End in conclusion, summary or what to do next (clear ending)

.My brother in law aiden will be on my DPS working out and i will have food pictures. My DPS will link because i will have information about my images on my DPS.

.My article will be about what he does in the gym and what he eats (recipes). 

.The images are going to be off Aiden working out using gym equipment and pictures of the food he eats in order to stay healthy. In the photos Aiden will be more focused so the viewers of the magazine can see how focused they have to be in the gym in order to get fitter. 

.There will be instructions on how to do certain exercises and how too make healthy food.

.The page numbers will be 1 and 2.

.The DPS will have the same font as the cover which is Ariel black  

.No the name will not be on the dps instead i will just have headlines, subheadings and pull quotes

.Subheadings will be the name of the recipe and the specific workout

. I want Aiden to be represented as someone who cares for there body and as someone who is serious about getting fit and having a good body 


    Good research into conventions and excellent analysis - well done!


    A good start - have you done your masthead?
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens.


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