Tv Drama

 Wednesday 15th November

 L:O- To research the history, companies and regulators in the Tv industry 


1. Public owned tv channels are channels that are funded by the governments and Channels that    provides important information for the public 

2. Commercial tv channels are Tv companies that make money by selling advertising 

3. Convergence is a number of different processes which occur simultaneously and influence one another 

4. Watershed is the time of day after which programming with content deemed suitable only for mature or adult audiences is permitted

5. Segmented marketing is helps marketers to be more efficient in terms of time, money and other resources 

6. A mainstream is a mass of media that has a large audience influences society on a large scale 

7. Self regulation is to make content with your own company rather then with combined companies  

8. Franchise is a series of films that have the same or similar titles and are about the same characters (they have to get a license) 

9. Channel - Surfing is the action or practice of quickly looking at one television channel after another 

10. PSB is public service broadcasting in television and radio programmes that are broadcast to provide information, advice, or entertainment to the public without trying to make a profit

11. Tv licenses gives you legal permission to watch live on any channel, TV service or streaming service.

12. Scheduling is the process of making a decision regarding the time and date that when the advertisement appears, the frequency of ads, etc.

13. A conglomerate is a large corporation that owns a large number of media companies, such as television, radio, internet, publishing.

1. Tvs were introduced to the public in 1936

2. There were 3 channels and they were BBC one, BBC two and ITV 

3. ITV started in 1954 and it has changed because it was a commercial channel 

4. The uk channels that have to follow the PSB remits are BBC one, BBC two, Channel 3,      Channel 4 and channel 5

5. Ofcom regulates tv in the uk 

6. Channels in 1960s were regulated by BBC trust 

7. In the 60s the colour were black but nowadays tvs have colours they aalso had long adverts back then but now we have short adverts 

Wednesday 22nd November 

Television Industries: Ownership and regulation 

L:O- To explore the ownership and regulation of BBC1 and ITV 

.Who regulates tv in the uk?

Ofcom regulates tv and radio broadcasting in the uk, setting standards for programmes  that broadcasters have to follow. 

Ofcom can fine broadcasters if their programmes breach (do not follow) their broadcasting codes. 

They cary out regular reviews to check that the terrestrial channels (BBC, ITV, C4 and C5) are fulfilling their particular PSB (Public Service Broadcasting) requirements.

.Public Service Broadcasting

In the uk the term 'Public Serving Broadcasting' refers to broadcasting which is intended for thee public benefit rather than for purely commercial concerns (just to make money) 

In the uk, the BBC is the main PSB channel and has a strict remit to follow 

Other terrestrial channels have to follow a PSB remit but not as strictly as the BBC 

Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain".

The Charter also sets out our five public purposes:

1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them

2. To support learning for people of all ages

3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services

4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world

Their purpose:

Their purpose is to entertain and connect with millions of people in the UK and globally, reflecting and shaping culture and building brands with brilliant content and creativity. This is aligned to our 2026 strategic vision, to be a leader in UK advertiser-funded streaming and an expanding global force in content.

Their channels:

Itv1 Itv2 Itv3 Itv4 

Wednesday 17th January 
The Avengers (1965)
L:O- Research the TV show the avengers
1) The ABC weekend TV and ITV 
2) Main stream adult audience 
3) 7th January  1961 (UK) 
4) 6 season
5) 21st April 1969
6) 56,000
8). Patrick Macnee 
 . John steed 
. Diana rigg
. Emma Peel 
9) It meant that they had more values for the series such as editing, locations, actor and camera work

Wednesday 31st January
P - Back in the 60s women may of related or aspired to Emma peel as she was seen almost equal to John Steel. For the male side John Steel could inspire men and match there male values and what they believe. The lower class could also look up to the show as the characters were upperclass. 
I - An idea of what life was like in the 60s. For women to believe that they are just as powerful as males.  they can be reassured that there was spys fighting a foreign threat. 
E -  It was entertain because they can escape reality and escape to fantasy word for an hour and they could've enjoyed the danger and humor. 
S - The film would allow people to talk to there friends and family about the film.                                                                                                                                                                                                            The avengers: The town of no return 
L:O- To analyse the influences of the social and historical contexts in series 4 episode 1        
Major concerns  in the 1960s:
.Cold war 
.Threat of nuclear war 
.Threat of foreign war invasion                                                                                                                      .Espionage                                                                                                                                                       Wednesday 21st February 
 The avengers extract analysis
L:O- To explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract
Look out for:
.Shot types 
.Camer angles 
.Camera movement 
The extract - Camerawork: 
The close up of the umbrella and door bell this is first introducing us to Mrs Emma peel
The high angle looking down at steed which shows hes vulnerable 
The medium long shot that shows the apartment and the character it shows us her wealth 
Look out for:
.High key and low key lighting 
.Costume and make up 
.Casting and performance style
.Blocking (the composition of elements within the shots)
The extract  - Mis-en-scene:
The outfits that the people are wearing shows the difference between the villagers and the people that enter the bar 
The pub is old fashioned with the decorations
The low key lighting can suggest what time of day it is
.Shot/ reverse shot
.Fast paced editing
.Post-production effects 
Wednesday 6th March
Do Now: 
1. Camera work 
  . Mis-en-scene
  . Editting 
  . Sound 
The Avengers Extract Analysis 
L:O- To explore based questions and how to answer them affectively 
Question 1
1.  How was camerawork used to create meaning? 
In this particular scene there was a close up on John steed and the hot weapon next to him so we can see how hot the weapon is and how steed is feeling at that point of time by his facial expressions. In another part of the scene there was mid shot of steed and Emma peel standing close to each other so we can see the type of relationship they both have by there proxemics. 
Question 2 
2. Analyse how far the extract creates tension
In this scene they have created tension by the music in the background when steed and the blacksmith are fighting for example the tempo increased and the volume increased the more the scene got in tense. As the scene went on when they wanted the audience to understand the dialogue the volume decreased but when the characters figured out what happened the volume increased which made it more tense. The camera work builds tension because the movement of the camera is following the character and it gets fast when the fight scene between steed and the blacksmith happens the movement of the camera increase which creates tension. 
Question 3
3. How far does the extract create a stereotypical representation of men
Langauge (Media)
In this extract it shows both stereotypes and non-stereotypes, by the fight between steed and blacksmith for example for stereotypes they are both males fighting which is common another stereotype is when steed saves emma because its common for males to save women. patriarchy was happen back in the 1960s and the different relationships between steed and peel didnt show it which was non stereotype.

 Wednesday 17th March 
  Do now: 
  Multicultural society 
  More accepting to lgbtq + 

The hero: PC Jake Vickers - Chief Super Robert Vickers - De Felix cane 
The villain: Chief Robert 
The Doner: Chief Robert - Jo Maffet 
The Helper: Pc Ryan - Lino -  Donna 
The Princess: Arressting the criminal 
The princess father: Stations officer 
The dispatcher: Jo Maffet 
The false hero: Pc Ryan 
Audience appeal 

Uses and gratifications theory of Bulmer and Katz 

personal identity - Ensamble class - Wide range of characters - Role models - Empathise on difficulty about being a police officer 

Information - Whats it is like being a police officer - How life is in the police force.

Entertainment -The action - Humour - An escape from reality - Reassured by  the hard work and dedication for the police work - May in joy the characters personal life on the show - May enjoy their jobs interfere with their relationships.   

Social interaction - Talking about episodes with friends - May build a personal relationship with a character.

Cuffs and Social contexts 
 There are stronger  roles for women that reflect gender equality for example there is women on the police force which would be breaking stereotype. 

- Different change in attitude was show differently throughout the episode for example the was a different sexuality role on the police force which would be breaking stereotypes in 2015. Jake Vickers sexuality. 
- In the episode traditional masculine and feminine qualities no longer were shown because there wasn't always stereotypical me and women in the show.  

Do now:
- General public attitude are against the police force
- Not enough staff in the police force 
- The public is changeling 
Cuffs and social contexts continuing 

PC Donna Prager - Representations: She is strong and determined - Chasing after the women in the street - She is more athletic the her male partner - She is seen as equal to Ryan with physical activities which is unusual.  

PC Jake Vickers -  Representations: Slow starting, inexperienced,  Keen, wants to impress, openly gay. 
Di Felix Kane - Quiet, reserved, Timid. 

Pc Jake vickers - Openly gay. Anti-stereotypical. Determined - Wants to impress Stereotypical. 
Lino Moretti - Comedic - not athletic. Anti- stereotypical.
Felix cane - More reserved - Timid. Anti - stereotypical.

.  In 2015 different cultures was normalised and it wasn't a problem to be a different race for 
example, Pc Ryans ethnicity was black and he was still able to be involved in the police force back in 1960s it wouldn't be acceptable for a black person to be in the police force that is how 2015 have improved views on multiculturalism because it was acceptable to have different races in the police force and there was a wide range of ethnicity in the police force.  Racist groups were represented as criminals because they were arrested for discrimination against different races and there was antisocial behaviour which was represented by the racists such as drinking, drugs and disrespecting the police.


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