
 Monday 3rd October

Live Lounge 

L:o- To research the radio industry  

Commercial Radio- Commercial channels means the sale of the commodity for which a commodity commission is established for use as food, industrial, agricultural or chemurgic use.

Public Service Radio- Television and radio programmes that are broadcast to provide information, advice, or entertainment to the public without trying to make a profit.

Example: Commercial Radio- Advertisement to sell things like food, industrial or chemurgic use.

Public Service Radio- Entertainment/News for people, benefit for the people. 

What does a Commercial Radio Station include?

- Music: Child Friendly 

news- whats going on in the world 

weather- weather in cornwall 

Reflections- Use more research in the notes 

Monday 7th November 

Case study 

L:o- To research the case study and artists involved, Annotate in detail the example from the case study.

Tom Grennan:

Where is he from- He is from bedford 

Age- 27 Years old 

Genre of his songs- Pop, Hip Hop

Current songs/album- Remind me, Little bit of love, Not over yet and dont break the heart 

Monday 21st November 

L:o- To explore the BBC radio and  audience behind the live lounge 


Public service broadcasting is radio that benefits the public rather then to serve purely commercial interest.

1. 10 radio networks

2. 50 regional stations 

3. They are funded by tv license .

4. Cable and satellite 

5. BBC Radio 2 - 14.5 million. BBC Radio 4 - 10.6 million. Heart (network) - 8.4 million.BBC Radio 1 - 7.6 million. Capital (network) - 6.0 million.

6. Online, radio, phones & tv 

The average age in radio 1 is 15-29+ 

The average age for radio 2 is 35+

The average age for radio 3 is 55+

The average age for radio 4 is 50+

All these pictures will attract young children because of the colours, they will also attract teenagers because of the films they support on there websites and then finally they will attract adults because of the celebrities. 

Monday 5th December 

Entertain young listeners 

15-29 year olds

artist emerging (new)

Live Music 


In this radio 1 picture the colour palette is bright so it shows that there is fun on the radio and it is also humorous and this will interest people because people like to listen to humorous and fun conversations. For there clothes they have worn casual clothes to show that even if it is humorous and has fun on the radio they also have serious and casual conversations, this will have an impact on the audiences lives because they would want to know whats going on. 


Political context

Funded by the BBC Tv license  (argument)

Reflect diversity and cater for all.

15-29 younger audiences no one else does that 

live music on live lounge 

Not funded     

main stream music doesn't educate or inform

Media convergence is a term that can refer to the meaning of previously distinct media technologies and media forms due to digitisation and computer networking.

The advantage is that more people will see it so bebo will make people aware of bbc 1. It is also an advantage for bebo because supporting bigger business will make there website more popular and bebo is more easier to go on.

Monday 16th January 2023 

The live lounge 

Being on two broadcasting channels will help out the band who is trying to reach out a bigger audience  

These presenters a picked because they give good entertainment such as being funny, humorous and serious so it would match all type of audiences who listen to their broadcast.

The live lounge is also the name of a room in the radio 1 studios where many of the performances are broadcast.

Artists are filmed in a intimate radio studio, acoustically often with little production rehearsal. 

Uses and Gratifications 

P: Personal Identity- Relate to the presenters who are a similar age, interests in music. Identify with the artist.

I: Information- Background information about the artists, up and coming events.

E: Entertainment- Enjoy the live music.

S: Social Interaction- People can discuss the performance afterwards. 


.You can access programs, sport, revision and documentaries 

.They mention 1 artist each time they go live because the artist changes each time

.Live performance is regarded as more culturally significant then simply playing records. It is also more expensive.  


.3 days preparation- wages for the people involved in performance and production 

.6 professional singers- employed as backing singers 

.Musical director- make  a recorded song 

The live lounge appeals to the audience through the presenters and the artists because young and old may know who they are. An example of this is ricky melvin and charlie on the front cover and the live lounge uses well known artists for example Tom Grennan.  They do this because Tom Grennan  is known by middle age people and young children so there would be a range of various audiences. The live lounge also uses well known slangs such as 'yo' 'bro' and 'lad' which shows the Live Lounge are trying to reach young audiences.

Wednesday 25th  January 

Do now: Music Video 

1. Props 

2. People Singing 

3. Instruments 

4. Dancing 

5. Different type of backgrounds City, Beach and Studio

Music videos 

Name of Artist: Avril Lavigne  

Name of song: Sk8er boi' 

Genre: Pop-Punk

Release date: 28th October 2002

What happens in music video: It was different people skating including Avril Lavigne herself and then she was jumping on cars and spray painting walls then at the end she was singing on a stage in the middle the city in front of a massive crowed.


He was a boyShe was a girlCan I make it any more obvious?He was a punkShe did balletWhat more can I say?He wanted herShe'd never tellSecretly she wanted him as wellBut all of her friendsStuck up their noseThey had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boyShe said, "See you later, boy"He wasn't good enough for herShe had a pretty faceBut her head was up in space

She needed to come back down to earth

Name of group: Wheatus

Name of song: Teenage Dirtbag

Genre:  Skater Rock 

Release date:  5th February 2000

What happens in the music video: The boy is on the step and he falls asleep and he has a dream about his crush and how his crush is dating the most popular boy in school and how the boy wishes it was him and then it was at prom where she came up too him asking him out to a game and then he said yes so they both danced and then he woke up because it was all a dream 

Skater boi 

It shows unsterotypicaly of gender and shows what she is like and by the things in the video it shows us that she is a rockstar because she smashes her guitar at the end. It shows us a little bit of the meaning of the song but it doesn't show all of it. It shows there identity because they are all dressed up certain ways and that also helps us showing the meaning of the lyrics. 

Narrative: It is about a girl who didn't return love back to a skater boy but then another girl does return her love for him and then they get together and create a song together and the first girl is at home alone whilst she is watching him perform.

Teenage Dirtbag

It shows us stereotypical of gender but at the same time it doesn't because the boy is weak and lonely were as the other boys are. But it does show us stereotypical of gender as well because of the girls wearing make up but it also challenges it because at the end the girl is saying how she is the teenage dirtbag as well. It shows there status because there laid back and cool and all the kids love them whilst they are up on stage.                                                                               

Narrative: It is about a boy who falls asleep and dreams about a girl that he likes and her boyfriend and how her boyfriend is a jerk towards him and then at the end she comes up to him asking him out because she is just a teenage dirtbag as well and then he dances with her but then he wakes up. - Teenage dirtbag


Monday 30th January 

1, They have used young and well known artists too attract 15-29 year old because they will most likely know them.  

2, In this radio 1 picture the colour palette is bright so it shows that there is fun on the radio and it is also humorous and this will interest people because people like to listen to humorous and fun conversations.

Supporting                   How live lounge Meets it                Examples:

emerging artists           Plays a Mixture of mainstream        Holly Humberstone Tom Grennan

                                    and new artist                                    and stormzy 

Champion Uk            Mix of Uk and worldwide but            Holly and Stormzy and 

Artists                        the majority of it is Uk                       uk artists 

End of topic test 

1. media convention 


3. They form a remix to get the money

Question 2:

1, The radio 1 station have used well known and young artists too attract  15-29  year olds because they will most likely know them. 

2, The Radio 1 station can benefit the public because they inform them on what is going on in the space around them and worldwide they can also inform them on new artists or artists that are releasing songs.

3, The audience might be passive because they wont engage in the activities that  the people who work on the radio has set for them and then active audience will be engaging in such as phoning in or getting shout outs. 

Question 3 

The radio 1 station supports younger artists because thats how they get the publics attention which provides money for the artist. They also provide live music because they have a lot of money and in the remix it says the have too do it in order to get the publics attention

Wednesday 8th February 


L:o- To examine the use of media language in music videos 

Setting: Bath

Costume: She has diamonds all over her and necklaces which are made out of diamonds which shows her wealth 

Props: She is in a bath with diamonds in it and her bath looks posh there is also jewellery on the floor which shows she has loads of it 

Hair and make up:stereotypical of a girl with make up and nails 

Sk8ter boi:

The setting is in a city because in the music videos it shows city like buildings and it is also very busy and in cities it tends to be busy.

Her outfit and make up is suggesting what class she is in and by the looks of it she is in middle class because it shows she has money but she isn't wealthy 

The video suggests that punks/rebels don't really care about what they do or what people think of them 

Props: Avril is using a bike and guitars which shows her punk rock attitude and then the boys have a skateboard which shows they are skaters 

Lighting and colour :its light but it is dark as well which shows what type of genre it is (punk/rock

Teenage Dirtbag: 

Setting: The setting is at a school because in the music video it shows a school and then inside it is packed with students and that is what schools are like 

Costume: There outfits are suggesting that they have different status so for the popular boys there are wearing a sports jumper and jeans and then for the un popular boys aka the nerd he is wearing jeans and a boring top and for the girls they are all wearing jeans and teeshirts. 

Hair and Makeup: It shows how different there status is from other people 

Lighting and colour :its light which shows what type of genre it is (alternative/indie)

Monday 20th February 

L:o- To reflect on areas  to improve  in the assessment 

question 1: identify the word  that describes a large company which own sets of companies that produced media forms different. 

question 1: Bauer Media owns radio stations as well as magazines. Identify the word that describe adding other areas of business in this way. 

question 1:identify one source of funding for BBC RADIO 1 TV LISCENE. 

Two marks would be given for the opening sentence, which explains how radio stations target  audiences. Two marks would be given for the following sentences, which exemplify different use of targeting in radio 1 live lounge 

Target Q3: Make points about how the BBC radio provide wider content on their radio stations, give examples on radio 1 and why they have to do this linked to the remit.

They dont have to attract a worldwide audience on R1 - 15-29 -For example they use artists that are mainly known by younger adults and teenagers such as Tom Grennan  and stormzy. 

Provides consists of up to date music contemporary music currently released mainly in the uk + offers a range of new music + playlists

Live Music is different to other radio sites because radio 1 do not have to do a world wide audience so the provide up to date music which means they dont play older music and they play newer artists so it can attract 15-29 year olds. This meets the remit because it offers new music which will interest a younger audience. The live lounge shows us this because they play Tom Grennan, self asteem and stormzy which younger people are interested in.  

Wednesday 1st March 

Do now:

 Type of Mis-En-Scene in the music video Adore you by Harry Styles:

1-Costumes: His costumer represents his part with money poor but stable with money.

2-Props: Fish- shows he cares about fishes 

3-Settings: The houses and beaches tell the viewers what time the video was set in (1780s) and it helps us see what the video was about.

4- Lighting: Its dark because it wanted to show the atmosphere and mood 

L:o- To examine the use of media language in music videos

The lighter is dark but light so it shows the atmosphere and mood and that also sometimes shows the genre and in this case it would be pop-punk. The tone is also low so it also helps show the genre.

Avril Lavigne and her friends are dressed like skaters, they achieved this by using caps backwards on there heads, having tattoos and they have also got baggy tops on and baggy jeans. This would suggest to the audience that they are rebellious.  

In Avril Lavigne music video, it is set in a city. We know this because we are seen shots of city buildings and a crowed street full of people. In my opinion the video is set in the city because in the narrative of the video they are setting a concert and they wouldn't be able to do that in country side.

The nerd was not wearing a sports uniform like the 'popular boys' which challenges stereotype because he is wearing a trapper hat and he is wearing a winter coat which isn't what boys would've worn and this shows that he is a nerd and a loser in his school. 

The music video for Avril Lavigne's Skater Boi and Wheatus' Teenage Dirtbag use setting and costumes to achieve similar affects. For example Avril uses costumes to show different status of people, in the music video Skater Boi Avril is wearing baggy clothes and a backward caps to show she isn't just average and how she is rebellious where as the audience who are watcher her concert are wear skinny jeans and normal tops to show that they are normal people, they also show that the setting is in a city so they can add more chaos. In the music video Teenage dirtbag they use there costume to dictate what type of people they are so they have a boy with blonde hair who is tall and who wears a jock uniform to show he is popular and then for they nerd her is wearing a trapper hat and winter coat to show that he is different and a bit geeky, the set they use is in a school because they are narrating what is happening in the lyrics. 

Camera Work 

S- Shot type A- Angle type M- Movement 

Monday 6th March 

L:O- To research the case study artists involved, annotate in detail the examples from the case study.

Facts about Lizzo:

.The genre of Lizzo's songs are hip hop, R&B and funk-pop

.She has 23 solos 

.Her birthday is 27 April 1988

.She is 34 years old 

.Lizzo was born in Detroit, Michigan, united states -  She is American 

.She went to Elisk High school 

.She studied music in University of Houston  

.She started music at a young age - 14 

.Lizzo is he stage name her real name is Melissa Viviane Jefferson  

.Her biggest hit was truth hurts- 2019 

.She won a grammy 

Original song- cover topics of gender inequality 

Cover song- Unholy by Sam Smith caused controversy when it first came out in terms of the video and acknowledges topical issues in society 

Guest name and info- Lizzo background info above- talks about her clothing brand 'business women' 

Informs and educates and entertains- 4 times appearing on the live lounge. Entertains through her comical responses to questions

Quotes- 'Im a business women' abbreviation of words by presenters, slang used e.g examples 

Innovative show- 3 presenters varied artists, Lizzo really successful famous

Target audience- young audience

The live lounge informs people by new music and they make popular artists sing then, for example Lizzo performs special and unholy by Sam smith.

The live lounge targets 15-29 year old because she talks about current situations 

She offers a range of new music because she does covers by artists who recently made new music just like how she sung unholy by sam smith  

Wednesday 8th March 

L:o- To explore how camerawork is used to create meaning in music videos.

1- Candate low angle 

2- To show what is happening and to show the artists they also use it to show the status of the artists and the background extras. By the look of this angle and from what i an see it looks like the song could be about friendship. 

3- The outfits, the cars and the setting shows what there status is so the bikes and cars shows that they are childish but in a positive way and they clothes shows that they aren't rich but they do have a lot of money and the setting gives the same idea.   

The settings is a dessert and Rhianna being in a desert could suggest that there is lack of socialising and lack of interesting things and this settings shows that Rhianna is being serious about whatever she is on about. The wide shot gives a sense of isolation and it also tells us that the song might be about her being alone and having no one there for her.

Sk3ter Bio is expressionistic and Teenage Dirtbag is Naturalistic 

1  - Shot name: Point of view shot 

    - Why is it used: To show the perspective of Avril 

    - Why is it used here: So we can see that she is the most important person in the music video 

2  - Shot name: Wide shot 

    -  Why is it used: To show the setting

    -  Why is it used here: To show what the song is about 

3  - Shot name: High angle 

    - Why is it used: The shot gives us a lot of information on where they are and what they are doing 

    - Why is it used here: To show that Avril is important  

    - Shot name: Low angle 

    - Why is it used: To show and important part of the video and to show the differences of people 

    -  Why is it used here: To show he is popular 

5 - Shot name: Dutch angle Shot 

   - Why is it used: To show that she is in control of the situation 

   - Why is it used here: To show that the style is expressionistic in the video 

  They use different shots and angles because they want to show the viewers whats going on and how        important some people are.   

  4 adjectives about Sk3ter Boi:       4 adjectives aboutTeenage Dirtbag:

 - Fast                                               - Still 

- Thrilling                                        - Smooth 

- Chaotic                                         - Neutral 

- Energetic                                      - Serene 

The movement in Sk3ter Boi is expressionistic for example, at one part in the video we see a high angle of Avril when she is dancing and singing on top of a car and we also see the audience where some people are falling over which can suggest the the tone of the camerawork is chaotic at that part in the video. 

The movement in Teenage Dirtbag is Naturalistic for example, at one part of the video we see a wide long shot where this is just one person sat on a bench in front of a sign and the camera is still so that can suggest that the tone of the tone of the camera work is Neutral and quiet. 

The camerawork helps to show the identity of some one because they use high angle shot which helps us see how important a person is for example, they use a high angle on Avril when she is singing and dancing on the car and she also has a big audience and that shows that she is important because everyone is focused on her and nothing else. Another example for the camera work helps with the video is to show what type of style the video is, so in the music video the camera work shakes and that tells us that the style is expressionistic and it also tells us that they want the video to be as realistic as it can be and they want us to believe that we are there.

Wednesday 22nd march 

L:o- To explore how camerawork is used to create meaning in music videos  

Sound is divided into 2 categories 

Diegetic: Sound that originates from within the video or film's world 

Non diegetic: any type of sound that does not specifically exist within the world of the film itself

Teenage Dirtbag only diegetic sound:

The car hitting the bike and then the bike falling over 

The reason why they have done this is to connect the narrative to the song 

Sk3ter Boi  only diegetic sounds:

The rope 

The can 

The wind 

The traffic 

Police sirens 

The helicopters 

The guitar smashing the car 

The reason why they have done this is to empathise that the setting is in a city 

They also use anti establishment which is going against the rules which shows some type punk rock genre  


What does it include?:

Order of shots/shot types 



Shot duration 

Pace and rhythm 

Special effects 

Continuity meaning:

It uses a variety of classic film editing techniques to blend multiple camera shots — some taken at different times or even different locations — into a seamless, consistent narrative.


Events are edited/presented in chronological order  (beginning -middle- end) Its more traditional/cinematic. 


Out-of-order editing. No clear distinction of time. Events are cut up and rearranged. (Beginning-middle-end is unclear) More abstract/expressionistic.

Skater boi:

Has faster beats and faster cuts because it is a faster song and it isn't focusing on the narrative.  

Teenage Dirtbag: 

Has a slower range of cuts because its focusing more on the narrative.



Music videos use different variations of effects to fit in with the certain narrative of the song for example, Skater Boi uses expressionistic camera work which includes fast paces and high angle shots. They use a lot of high angles and lots of fast tracking, the high angle is so we can tell what the setting is and then they use fast tracking to show how chaotic and rebellious the characters are. Where as in Teenage dirtbag they use naturalistic camera work which includes slow paces and mid angles.The slow pace is to show that it is less chaotic and it empathises how the setting is in a school and they also use mid angle shots to show how important the character is to the song, they also do this because it tells us the music video is focusing more on the narrative.  

Wednesday 19th April

L:o- To explore how representations are constructed in music videos  

My ideas:

Male:Physically strong, Sporty, more powerful than women, gets the higher up job, rap or rock music tastes and only interested in dull colours, not emotional.

Female:Physically weak, not sporty, less powerful, gets the lower job, pop music, interested in bright colours, wears a lot of make up and dresses, housework, emotional. 

Other ideas: 

Objectification: It is the act of treating a person as an object or a thing 

Sexual Objectification: It is the act of treating a person as an object of sexual desire 

Sk3ter Boi 

.The sexuality is straight 

.Avril Lavigne is shown as a rebellious teenager who wants to do stuff and succeeds whilst doing them 

.Punk rock genre is shown by the outfits they are wearing and the setting they are in and how they use certain props like spray paint 

.In the video teenagers are shown to be very antiestablishment 

.The gender isn't stereotypical because they dont make them wear the usual outfits women would wear.

Teenage Dirtbag

.The sexuality is straight 

.The characters are shown as some nerdy and some more powerful than others

.The characters challenge and support stereotype of genders by making some boys sporty and powerful but also making other boys be nerdy and then there are girls who are stereotyped such as them having long hair and tight clothes to make them attractive for the boys.

.In the videos the popular boys are shown to be antiestablishment where as the other boys who is a nerd is non-antiestablishment 

.The high school is shown to be very stereotypical because it shows what happened and what happened in that video tends to happen in schools 

Wednesday 26th April 


NOTES: good notes on both case studies

WWW: good use of terminology and specific, detailed examples from the videos to support your ideas
EBI: try to refine some of your phrasing: "this shows stereotypical representations of....", "the camerawork creates a ... tone through..."

4 Mark Question 

In the music video 'Sakter Boi' gender representations are presented as unstereotypical. We see this because Avril is shown to be more rebellious then soft and caring, but in Teenage dirtbag gender representations are shown as stereotypical because we see how the main female in the music video is soft and she is less rebellious. For example, when we see a high angle shot off Avril smashing a car window with her guitar which shows she doesn't care about what she is doing and she doesn't care if she breaks the rules. Where as in Teenage Dirtbag the main female character cares about other people more than her for example, when her boyfriend chucks something at the 'nerd' she looks mad at him then walks away from him because she is mad at hime for doing what she did. 

10 Mark Question 

Stereotypes are used in music videos because they are easily recognisable and that helps the audience understand the narrative. For example, in Sk8ter Boi, they use a stereotypical representation of males as active, rule breakers and interested in girls. This is shown through them often skating, biking or driving, often in places they shouldn't be (like on the roof-top), and filming the pretty girl in the car. This fits in with the teenage stereotype that are also used in this music video. In Teenage Dirtbag they are shown as  how they do not care about many things and they aren't taken seriously because they do not take their selfs seriously. This is shown when the most popular boy in school 'the jock' throws a sandwich at the boy who is less cool because he is supposedly the nerdy one and this tells us that the popular boy is not taking school serious and this also links how they are rebellious.


  1. 10/10- T1: You need to ensure that you have notes in all the boxes for your radio analysis. Please add a comment into each box.

  2. 21/11- T2: analyse the representations present in your screenshots and what that reveals about the industry and audience.

  3. 16/1- You must ensure that you answer the question and are aware of the R1 remit. T: 2. You need to make sure you follow the structure to respond to the question that covers: the audience appeal, the example from the Live lounge, explain how it appeals to the audience, how it meets the remit.

  4. 6/2- T: Q3: Make points about how the BBC Radio provide wider content on their radio stations, give examples on Radio 1 and why they have to do this linked to the remit.


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