Lights! camera! Action!

Monday 1st November 


L/O- To apply narrative theory to our own ideas 

1.) Sex in the city 
2.)  ?
3.) Harry potter 
4.) ?
5.)Polar express 
6.) Planet of the apes 
7.) ?
8.) Night in the museum 

Task 1: 

Todorov's narrative story 

Equilibrium - When everything in the film is normal 

Disruption -When something goes wrong 

Recognition of disruption- When the main character has understood what went wrong 

Attempt to solve disruption - To make everything better again in the film 

New Equilibrium - It alls come together and the film gets a new normality 

Task 2:

      What happens in my film 

My movie is about different types of relationships at christmas time. At the start of the film there is a group of friends in a christmas themed holiday house and the house is 6 bedroom which is perfect because there are 6 people in the friendship group. There is 3 girls and 3 boys they have knew each other since they were in primary school and ever since then they have stuck together and they have never left out anyone in the friendship group. They have planned this christmas trip ever since year 8 in secondary school and since they are in year 12 and they have jobs they were able to split the money up and pay for the trip. Ever since year  7 one of the boys have had  a crush on one of the girls but they haven't had enough courage to ask her out and plus he didn't want to ruin the amazing friendship he had with her.                                   

Camera Movement 

 Monday 15th November 

Extreme close up                                    

Close up 

Medium close up 

Mid shot 

Establishing shot 

Aerial Shot/birds eye view 

Low Angle Shot 


Movement of the camera either up or down is A pedestal (AKA Boom up/down or Jib up/down) involves moving the camera upwards or downwards in relation to a subject. It's different from tilting in that the entire camera ascends or descends, rather than just the angle of the camera. 

Monday 29th November 

Setting and colour 

L/O: To explore the use of setting & colour in films 


The director of the horror movie would want to put the house in an isolated place so the theme would be lonely yet it would still make the movie intense. 

The reason why you would want a good and big city is because there would be more place for more of the action.

The reason why you would need a small seaside town for a comedy yet romantic film is because a lot of comedy could happen around the seaside but a lot of romantic things could also happen on the beach.

The reason why its good to have a range of different countries is because a lot of different things could happen in different countries at the same time as the different countries.

The reason why a large modern science laboratory is good for a science-fiction film is because its about science so it would be based around the film. 


The reason why its blue and red could be because its bright colours then there would be a villain which would have a black costume, so i am saying super heros usually have bright colours to show that they are nice and they want to help. Thy would use bright colours for a comedy film because its cheerful.

1)The action of the Avengers Endgame takes place in Los angeles 

2) I think its set in Los Angeles because its a big place and they can go where ever they want to in Los Angeles 

3) The setting changes every now and then and they use transitions to change the settings 

4) Because the characters are in a new place and a different place 

5) Because they look like the places 

6) No because it could probably wouldn't be big enough to do the same action part you wanted to do in another country 

7) No unless you have been told about it or you are watching the film

8) Because in some clips it looks like olden day times 

9)  To make it happy, evil or sad 

10) A dark colour would represent an evil character or a bright colour would represent a superhero or a happy person 

11) To tell the audience what mood or what type of character they are 

12) The film would have bad quality if it was in black and white 

The film called legend suggest that there would be some action involved because the man has a gun and that means there would probably be a gun shooting and the the colour also tells us how there could be adventure as well because the dark yellow colour could mean they travel a lot yet there is a lot of action were he goes.

I think the colour set would be  yellow and blue with a bit of green because science is usually based on the colours of yellow blue and green because thats what the cells are usually coloured like that so if it is science themed it would be like that. 

The reason why i would use yellow, blue and green is to show that it is a science film and it is old fashioned to make it more old fashioned i would use grey because in the olden day films they were more of grey so that would be one of the reason i would turn it grey. Another reason why i would turn it grey is so that it would be mysterious and i think that would be great for a science film.

Monday 13th December 


Lo: To explore different style of photoshop 

.Looking down 

.The people in frame are Lowen and Meghan 

.The person who is taking the shot is summer 

. We wont need any props 


WWW: I think what went well was getting the angle aim in the correct place and the concentration with  our group work 

EBI: If we focus more on the props and were we look, we also need to make sure we have a plain background so there is no distractions in the background.

My favourite picture: My favourite picture was the 1st one when were both looking at each other 

Monday 24th January 


L:o- To explore the use of Mis-En-Scene in films 

Do Now:

1) Jaws 

2) Star wars 

3) Ghostbusters 

4) Matrix

5) Titanic 

6) Eternals 

7) Back to the future  

8) Old 

9) The green knight 

10) Nobody 

I think this could be a teenage boy room who doesn't really like to tidy his room

The Character is unorganised 

likes music 

Mis-Es-Scene is telling us hidden meanings like setting & props, Costumes, Hair and Make up, Facial expressions & body language, lighting & colour, positioning of characters/objects within the frame.

Setting + Props

Science fiction 

.Science gowns 

.Science goggles 

.Science lab

. Different dimensions 

.Tool kits 

.Electrical machines 

Romantic comedy 

Were it could be set:

.New York (Big citys)

.Central park 



What the could be holding 

 .picnic equipment


.love letters 




Were it could be set 

.A house 

.A field 

.A forests 

What props there could be




.Scary costumes 

The 1st man looks like he could be in an action film or an maybe like a cowboy film or maybe a farmer or an explora  




.Face is Greasy 

The girl looks like she would be in a classical teenage film and how she would maybe be a bit mean to the people she doesn't like 

.Pink Cardigen 

Pink bag 

.Black skirt 


3.Facial Expressions  + Body languages

By the facial expressions you can tell that they are all a bit angry at each other or a little annoyed each other 

In different films the light can be different depending on the genre so high-key is like happy films such as Comedy or romantic and If is darker-key it will mostly be like horror and thrillers 

1- In low-key lighting you cant really see it but it is clear at the same time so in this scene i think that the film is a horror film because by the lighting.

.5 the positioning of people/objects 

They are both together but different scenarios in the different films 

Monday 7th February 

L:o- To experiment with foley and sound effects 

1-Settings and props are swords, candles and food it tells us that they are quite high class and they are quite rich 

2-By the Costume hair and makeup you can tell that it was set in the past and not in the present 

3-Facial expression & body by the facial expressions you can tell that they are quite serious and that they are not friends and by the body expressions you can tell that they are doing something that is very serious 

4- Lighting and colour you can tell that the place is not dull but its quite dark but there is still a bit of colour in the room

5-Positioning with in the frame/Objects by these you can tell it is old fashioned and you can also tell that the person that owns the place is wealthy and not poor 

Creative tasks 

1-Setting- It would be clean,dissection table and machines 

2-Props- Hazmat suits,robot to fetch things-Alexa but better

3-Costumes and makeup- Hazmats and crazy hair    

4-Lighting-It would be low key but on the part when they are showing the objects it would be high key 

5-Positioning- high angles but low angles at some points 

I can hear music, loud breathing, teeth being brushed, toilet flushing, cars,crunching of getting of the sofa, zip 

WWW: Making the sounds 

EBI:We we in a room that was quite so we could hear the sound effects better

Monday 28th February 

Disaster Movies

L/o: To explore the disaster movie genre 


The disaster of Titanic is how the boat sank and split in half because of how it hit the iceberg and how 
Jack While and rose both must run from Cal even as the ship sinks deeper into the freezing water.

My 3 disaster movie 

Deep Blue sea- Searching for a cure to Alzheimer's disease, a group of scientists on an isolated research facility become the prey, as a trio of intelligent sharks fight back.

Gravity-Two astronauts work together to survive after an accident leaves them stranded in space.

Jurassic park- A pragmatic palaeontologist touring an almost complete theme park on an island in Central America is tasked with protecting a couple of kids after a power failure causes the park's cloned dinosaurs to run loose.

 Deep Blue Sea 

1.(Deep Blue Sea)- Usually men but there are also some women 

2.No they dont have to travel to there families in this film  

3.This is not a natural cause in the film because the people in the film cause the disaster 

4.I dont think it does 

5. Yes it does involve traveling 

6. They all have a bit of action and they travel a lot 


1.Yes because the 2 main people get stuck in the spaceship and gets stranded and left in space 

2.No they dont have to travel to there families in this film  

3.This is not a natural cause in the film because the people in the film cause the disaster 

4.I dont think it does 

5.This does involve travel because they have to travel to space in order to get stranded 

6. They all have a bit of and they travel a lot 

1. Characters 

2. Setting 

3. Actions 

4. props 

5. Colour connotations 

6. Narrative suggestions 

7. Text elements 

8.Other genres included 

My disaster movie ideas 

The main character is going to be a women who is a Medical scientist

The disaster is that she tried to cure a disease but instead she made a virus that managed to turn every one into weird creatures and her and her friend and her kids are the ones that only survive but her kids went missing so she has to find her kids without get affected by the virus but on the way her friend gets affected so she has to travel on her own and find her kids.Whilst doing that she has to steal money and food in order to survive the virus 

On the way she finds two other people scared because of the virus so they travel together and trys to find her kids

After her friend dying she notices that her children could already be dead but she still try to find her children even if they are dead

After the while of the characters trying to escape she has to run away because one of the people that she found on the way was infected by the virus so its just her and that one person until she finds her children.

In the end after a year she finally finds her children and found out they had to run until they would be safe and thats how they survived. while other people were suffering the mum of the children was finding cure 

She managed to find a cure and all the virus was over and she lived in a rich area after she found out the cure because of how popular it was and after the virus was all over she got a higher pay and a better job in the scientific jobs 

Monday 14th March

My disaster movie 

l:o-To effectively develop and idea for a disaster movie 

1- The day after tomorrow 

2- 2012

3- The Impossible 

4- War of the Worlds 

5- Godzilla 

6- Twister 

Trailer 1: The day after tomorrow 

.Character- Man

.Setting- In New York City

.Actions- Scared but brave as well 

.Props- Suitcases 

.Colour- Light 

.Narrative- Explaining what is happening 

Trailer 2: 2012

.Character- Man 

.Setting- ManHattan Beach 

.Actions- Brave and trust worthy 

.Props- Cars 

.Colour- Dark

.Narrative- Explaining the story 

Trailer 3: The impossible 

Character- Man, women and boys

Setting- Khao Lak 

Actions- Brave and scared 

Props- Flashlights

Colour- Natural lighting 

Trailer 4: Godzilla 

.Character- Man 

.Setting- Japan 

Actions- Being Brave 

.Props- Torch 

.Colour- Natural 

.Narrative- I dont know 

Trailer 5: Twister 

.Character- Women

.Setting- Oklahoma 

                                               Science gone wrong

1.The disaster is that she tried to cure a disease but instead she made a virus that managed to turn every one into weird creatures and her and her friend and her kids are the ones that only survive but her kids went missing so she has to find her kids without get affected by the virus but on the way her friend gets affected so she has to travel on her own and find her kids.Whilst doing that she has to steal money and food in order to survive the virus 

On the way she finds two other people scared because of the virus so they travel together and try to find her kids

After her friend dying she notices that her children could already be dead but she still trys to find her children even if they are dead

After the while of the characters trying to escape she has to run away because one of the people that she found on the way was infected by the virus so its just her and that one person until she finds her children.

In the end after a year she finally finds her children and found out they had to run until they would be safe and thats how they survived. while other people were suffering the mum of the children was finding cure 

She managed to find a cure and all the virus was over and she lived in a rich area after she found out the cure because of how popular it was and after the virus was all over she got a higher pay and a better job in the scientific jobs 

2.The film is Set in the less wealthy class of  New York City and the timing is set in 2040 but more into the film there was a time machine which took them back to 2021 so the women could fix the cure properly without making the virus and then carry on from there and not go back to 2040  

3.At first its just a happy family but its also sad because they are also quite poor even if the mum is a scientist. The only reason why they are struggling with money is because the dad divorced the mum and the dad used to pay for the children and the rent whilst the mum was earning money but now the struggling 

4. at firs the shot would be of there house and the lab the place the mother works at and then there would be shots of how and why the mum is struggling and the lighting would be dark so it would show the mood that everyone was feeling at that point of the film 

The message is that people need to work together rather then fight and that you should spend more time with your family whilst you can 

Monday 28 March 

L:o- To effectively develop an idea for  disaster movie 

Do now:





5- Hero 



Equilibrium- The family is living a normal life and the mum is working hard for the money to pay the bills 

Disruption- A virus starts to spread because of a vaccine experiment gone wrong 

Recognition of disruption- People start to realise that its turning people into weird creatures and the mum realise that her children are missing 

Attempt to solve- Trying to find the children and trying to solve the apocalypse

New equilibrium- They solve the apocalypse and she finds her children and they become rich for solving the vaccine

Character Theory:Prop 

The Hero: The Mother Hanna The 3 friends Vivian, Courtney and Audrey 

The Villain: Hanna is a villain because she accidentally started the virus and made a disaster but she is also the hero because she helps out with trying to solve the apocalypse 

The Donor: Another scientist gives the key ingredient to the vaccine 

The Helper: The scientist because he gives the key ingredient to the cure and three friends who help 

The Princess: The children 

The princess father: trys to Steal the credit 

The false hero: The Father because he is trying to harm the family 

Monday 9th May 2022


L:o- To explore how a film is made and the various roles 

The boss jake: 

Hello hanna, having fun?


(sarcastically)  Oh yes i do love spending a Sunday in a science lab 


Well Hanna we wouldn't get this cure if we were just sat down on our sofa eating food now would we?


Well i suppose you are right. 


(Defensive) You suppose? Oh no you know im right.


Fine i know you are right, its just- 

The science machine that was getting the cure was going red and it started beeping 





Disney, Universal, Hollywood, Warner Brothers,  Sony Pictures and Fox 

Film Industry jobs 

1. Actor 



4.Costume Designer 

5.Prop Master 

6.Movie Editor 

Grip-  A solid set of skills will prepare you for a job as the grip, best boy and gaffer. They all need good communication skills, creativity, patience, physical stamina and strength, problem solving skills and technical knowledge to succeed on a movie or commercial

Boom Operator- A boom operator is a member of the sound department, who operates the recording equipment. The boom operator's main responsibility is to capture sound during each take. They do this through a boom mic, which is suspended above the shot with a boom pole (also called a boom arm)

 Gaffer-  The gaffer is the chief lighting technician on a set and is head of the electrical department. The gaffer's job is to run a team of lighting technicians to execute the lighting plan for a production.

I was surprised that it was watched by a small audience and if they didn't like some bits of the film they would give the director/producer and they would try to change it. But i like the way the setting was used and made.

1- Pre-production- 

  • Finalise a Shooting Script. While movies are magical, they don't come out of thin air.
  • Storyboards & Shot Lists.
  • Find the Right Crew.
  • Location Scouting.
  • Create a Proper Budget (and Stick to It!) 
  • Choose Your Gear. 
  • Clear That Red Tape. 
  • Find the Right Cast.

2- Production

Pre-production: Planning, scripting & storyboarding.

Production: The actual shooting/recording.

Post-production: Everything between production and creating the final master copy.

3- Post Production

  • Editing the Content.
  • Sound Editing and Adding Music.
  • Adding Visual Effects.
  • Sound Mixing.
  • Colour Grading.

Film Distribution

  • Film Trailer.
  • Social media campaign.
  • Influencer Marketing.
  • Online Ad agencies.
  • Film website or blogs.
  • Create social media profiles.
  • Viral Marketing.
  • Teaming up with Radio Channels.
  • Cinema.

Release Poster 
Release Teaser  
Character Sneak Peak
Release Trailer 
release Movie

Exhibition- Were the film can be released 

Monday 23rd May 

Movie Marketing 

L:o- To develop an effective film marketing strategy 

 Ways to market (promote) a film

  1. Make a Blog.
  2. Make a Website.
  3. Social Media.
  4. Setup a Crowdfunder. 
  5. Get Your Film Featured At A Festival.
Collect Email Adresses. 
  1. Make a Teaser.

 .  They made trailers. 
.  It was announced on the radio. 

.  They made teasers of the characters and the film. 

. They made multiple posters.

. They had adverts on the tv. 

. They had events hosted for there film. 

. There are comics.

. It was put on Apple iTunes Trailers.  

. They made banners 

1.In the shops, Cinemas and on Busses 

2.They will put it were people will see it so the film would get views 

3.Movies name

   Date release 

   The picture of the main character of the film

   Who it is directed by 

   Who wrote it 

   The cast

   The reviews 


All of  the colour palettes are dark colours  






They all have the actual disaster from the film as there front covers 

The fonts:

  • Lucida Grande. 
  • Arial. 
  • STIXGeneral.
  • Verdana. 
  • Helvetica Neue. 
  • Times.
  • Futura.

For Doctor strange Multiverse of madness poster 

The fonts on the poster suggest that it has different amount of genres in the film 

The genre conventions:




Science Fiction 


Colour Palette: 




this shows that the film is about action 


One of the main part of the film

Smashing glass so that includes some actions 

Awards/ Reviews/ Ratings/ Quotations: 

"Doctor strange was amazing i love all of the action and how all the characters acted in the film"

the connections of movies: 


wanda vision 

The original poster:

This poster suggests what the film genre is,  how good it its and when they made it. It contains the main colour scheme which is red which connotes the genre of the film and how interesting the film is. The words suggest how good it is or how interesting it is because the bold writing will get peoples attention. The atmosphere that is created by this poster is fun but serious as well. The poster suggest that is action because it has a bit off action from the film.

Monday 13th June 

L:o-To create film marketing material 

Red: This suggest that in this part of the film there is danger or it is getting intense between the characters and red is a great colour for the audience to see that it is intense between the characters or the danger in that part of the film.

Dark colours: This suggest that it would be an emotional part in the film and the creators of the film would try and make the audience feel the same emotion of the characters in the film.

Light colours: This would be the happy parts in the film or the chill parts so it would be all normal colours because the characters are feeling that way in the film and once again the creator would want the audience to feel that way


Main image of the film 






I used the genre conventions by using the dark colour because it was an action genre so i thought these colours would make it obvious on what the  genre was. 

I didn't get that far with it but so far it has been a good layout.

Im pleased with the title because it brings out what happens in the film 

Monday, 11th July 

I have managed to create all the important things on "My Account That" that is involved in my film

shot type: Yes 

action: not yet 

Sound diegetic: not yet 

sound-non-diegetic: no not yet 

for next lesson i am hoping to complete all of them so that will be my task 

Monday 3rd October 


  1. 4/1/22- Focus on the photography styles in the brief and how to create the effects.

  2. 15/3- Great ideas so far. T: 5. More detail on what is the message behind your film?

  3. 23/5- Excellent work today. T 1: explore the connotations (what is suggested) of the analysis points that you made about the poster.


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