Lego Movie

 Wednesday 14th September 

L.O. To understand the narrative and the narrative and characters in the Lego movie 


Bruce wayne 

Cloud coo coo land 

The old west 

Middle Zealand

Chew Baka 

Super man 



Green Lantern 


Robin Hood 

Han Solo 

Ninja Turtle 


Wednesday 21st September 

What happens in the lego movie?- Emmet an ordinary Constructer doesn't have much respect from his work friends until he was the one who was chosen to save the world and he chose to respect the people and treat people with kindness even if everyone else didn't so he could show what being a person was all about. After Emmet and his friends saved everyone, everyone started being creative and unique in there own way.

The main storyline is to always be unique, creative and never judge anyone for being there selfs. Another thing is to let new things come into your life and not be afraid when they do because it can bring an exciting future for you. Its also telling you to let others create more from your ideas because your ideas maybe great but not everyone will agree so they might want to add more so it fits for everyone. It also tells you that everyone can be special without having to a certain thing.

The Lego Movie: Industry Research 

L.O.  To research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry 

1A. Production is the making of the motion picture, television show, video or commercial.

1B. Distribution is the process of sharing, publishing, and promoting content on various social media platforms.

1C. Exhibition is the retail branch of the film industry. It involves not the production or the distribution of motion pictures, but their public screening, usually for paying customers in a site devoted to such screenings, the movie theatre.

2. The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).

3. U, PG, 12, 12+, 15, 18 and R18

4. The BBFC gave The Lego Movie a U rating

5. The person who regulates video games are is the Video Standards Council

6. The rating they gave the lego movie video game was peggy 7 

7. Lin Pictures + Warner Animation Group 

8. The person who directed the lego movie was Phil Lord and Chris Miller 

9. TT fusion owned by Warner brothers 

10. Warner brothers 

11. ASF 

Wednesday 28th September 


. They can classify products (normally by age rating)

. Ensures content of products meets acceptable standards 

The BBFC gave the lego movie a u rating because u is universal so that means any type of audience can watch it, so it would do good for there movie because the more people that are able to see the movie means more money and views.

The video game was giving a 7+ because it is a fantasy violence but you have to control the person and in the film no one seemed to get hurt but in the video game that may be different. 

1. To protect vulnerable and young people  

2.  People ay think that they should be able to make there own decision 

Vertical Integration 

Vertical integration is a strategy where one company takes control over one or more stages in the production or distribution of a product.

Vertical Integrations helps increase profits because there are company's working together which means they can make the movie ideas into better ideas which means more money and more views for when they have created and released the movie and most of the money would go to Warner Brothers. All the company's work together with all the technology they have so it helps everyone because one company may not have one thing but another company might have that thing that they are missing so they would get together and use each others equipment.

Wednesday 5th October 

L.O. To explore the narrative & apply narrative theory to the lego movie 


How Lego movie is a postmodernism film? 

.It challenges many different genre conventions such as action, adventure and fantasy 

.It imitates other films and it also imitates society such as lord businesses companys

.It makes people aware that it is a movie because in the end of the film it shows us people

Narrative Stage        The lego Movie 

Equilibrium         -  Everything in the Lego Movie is normal because what the lego people do in the                                       film  is normal for them                     

Disruption           - The Lord Business planning to use the Kragle 

Recognition of disruption    - Wild style, Emmet  and Vitruvius  becomes the special 

Attempt to solve  - Emmet and the hero team attempts to stop lord business

New equilibrium - Creativity and team work is encouraged

Character Type           Definition 

The Hero          -          Emmet - Because he saves everyone from getting glued 

The Villain       -         Lord Business - He wants to use the kragle 

The Donor        -        Vitruvius - He gives Emmet the power of the special 

The Helper       -        Lucy/Wyld Style  Vitruvius- They stick by emmet throughout the movie 

The Princess    -        Lucy/Wyld Style- 

The Princess'  Father - Vitruvius- Has always stuck by Wyld Style/Lucy 

The False Hero - Lord Business- Everyone thinks he is amazing because he controls all the company and keeps everyone 'safe'

Wednesday 12th October 

L.O. To identify the target audience the target audience using demographics & psychographics 

If the young kids who play with lego watch it, it will appeal to them because of some characters such as uni-kitty and the music will also appeal to them because its more kid music than teenager music.

It will appeal to parents who played lego when they were younger because of Spaceman, Spaceman was a toy they would've got in lego sets and they would also interest them because it would give there kids creativity.

For the Young Adults it would appeal to them because they would see some characters that they would know from there child hood and if they have watched the Matrix it would also interest them because the lego movie is based on the Matrix. 

It will appeal to all genders because there is a bit of action which is mainly aimed for boys and then there is Wild Style who is aimed for girls because its a girl super 'hero' rather than a boy super hero.

1- They make it appealing for children but they know the adults have the money so they mainly focused on making it exciting for kids but they also made it fun for adults. 

2-  There known for making kids movies not movies for teenagers but its suitable for all ages 

3-  After watching the movie the young viewers easily get the DVD that can be viewed several times over and will probably sit in the DVD collection for years. 

1- It has an emotive storyline 

2- It makes us question things 

3-  Theres something in the movie for everyone 

What is a tent-pole production?

 A program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio or television network

Why was lego Movie one?

Because the Village Roadshow Pictures helped with the financial performance 

Will there be a lego movie 3-  Yes?

Wednesday 19th October 

L.O. To explore marketing & promotion of The Lego Movie; to link the methods used to the target audience 

How they would do marketing or promote there movie



.Cinema trailers 

.Film posters


.Social Media 


.Trailers on the internet 

.Movies on Busses 

.Publicity tours 

.Movie primeres 


-Lego released tie-in merchandise to go alongside the movie which was:

.Lego sets from the Movie- 17 Lego world sets 

.The video game 


.Mini figures-16 

.School Supplies 

.Each week in January 2014 they released a new character poster

.Lego Stores scheduled linked events 

.Free accessory packs were available in stores after building creative models in-store 

.Video game release on 4th February 

.On 7th February McDonald's released collectible 3D cups with happy meals 

.A website enabled fans to make versions of themselves 

 In dancing ice at 7:27pm on sunday 9th February 2014 -five days before the movie launched- Itv broadcast a world first an  ad break made entirely out of lego. 

The four companies: British Heart Foundation,, BT & Premier  inn all payed for the production costs of their adverts themselves. 

Each Advert is made up of lego bricks, building an entire lego world. 

Each Advert is followed by a different character 'sting'  


Nearly 6m people saw the lego movie outbreak live on tv but then 1.1m went and searched it on youtube and the managed to watch it all. 

 lego movie creators, Warner Brothers, managed to link with different companies such as  famous takeaways and and famous websites that are well known. They also linked up with certain adverts which were quite popular, such as British Heart foundation which was aimed at adults  because they would be showing the stuff adults need and then the adults would be thinking about taking the kids to the cinema to watch it and that would make money for warmer brothers. 

Wednesday 2nd November 

To evaluate the methods used to market the lego movie: Link the target audience 

Warners put the logos made out of lego because the film is made out of lego and they put there logo at the start because if some one sees the warner brothers logo they will be more interested in it because the warner brothers are a big compony.

Equilibrium-  following the instructions 

Disruption- Release the crackle bit 

Recognition- When Emmet realises president business says "or you'll be put to sleep"

Attempt to solve disruption- When the lego team goes to the presidents office and when Emmet goes into human world 

The Equilibrium and the Disruption are shown so quickly because people will watch it and then they will get interested but then it will stop so they would want to go see more of it in the cinemas. 

So the younger people wont get bored (they have a short attention spam) and instead they would be interested on whats going on if its short.


Question 1- So the people who are watching the trailer knows who the main characters are 

Question 2- They shows the various locations because they want people to know were the characters are in the movie 

Question 3- It shows there strong and that they are the good guys 


Question 1- Diegetic dialogue is helpful because we know whats going on with it 

Question 2- To create excitement and action 

Question 3-  The trailer gets more action and it creates more drama 


Question 1-  People will watch it and then they will get interested but then it will stop so they would want to go see more of it in the cinemas. 

Question 2- The audience target it at the younger people so when they are on half term they can watch it 

Question 3- The Slow Motion Makes it more intense 


Question 1- Because in the different parts of the film some of the locations it shows were the action is 

Question 2-  The Colour Palette is very colourful but it has its dark colour moments as well so it will target younger children because younger children like colours

Question 3- It shows who they are or what they do 

Wednesday 9th November 

Target- Explain how the lego movie trailer uses two elements of media language to target different audiences 

One element used in the Lego Movie trailer is Camera Work. For example, throughout the trailer they showed various different locations that are in the film such as old lego sets that teenagers or adults would've had when they were younger. This would appeal to Adults and Teenagers because it would bring back childhood memories they had and because of that they would want to go see the movie to see if the movie had anymore stuff like that.  Another element they used in the Lego Movie trailer was Mise-en-scene. For example, the colour palette is very colourful but it also has dark colour moments. This will appeal to the younger children because they like colours and that shows fun a humorous action but the darker colour will appeal to teenagers because it shows sense of action. 

L:o- To explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyse using uses and gratification theory

The lego Movie Video Game 

Who is the game developer?- TT games TT fusion 

Who is the game publisher?- Warner Bros 

When was it released?- 7 February 2014

What Genre game is it?- Action Adventure Game 

What platforms was it released for?-  All of them 

What Game Modes Does it have?- Two Player

Films that have video games 



Pokemon go 


Simultaneous Release 

Profit maximised- increases potential audiences 

Familiarity- brand, plot and characters known 

Extends pleasure of the film-  chance to be a part of the film world; can have extended narratives 

Cross-promotion- efficient use of marketing of both products to promote the other 

Personal identity: Some people may prefer some characters because its like them

Information: You play it with your friends or family and then you talk about it the next day 

Entertainment: Keeps you away form being bored

Social interaction: You play with you friends or your family 

The video game trailer shows social interaction. To prove my points, the end of the video game trailer showed that there was children playing the game together and that might appeal to teenagers or young children because they will want to go and play it with there friends like the child in the trailer did. The video game trailer also shows Information. For example, it shows parts of the film so children and teenagers will want to go and see the movie after playing the video game and seeing the spoilers of the film. 

Wednesday 23rd November 

In the Lego Movie poster, it shows that it has action/adventure in the film because of the way the characters are running to or away from something. Another reason why the poster shows that it is action/adventure is the certain characters they use such as Batman, Superman and Super women who r all in action movies. This will appeal to teenagers the most because teenagers are the ones who watch action movies the most because they find it interesting.

In the Lego Movie poster, it shows that it is a hybrid film because of the different variations of colours such as, the red and white colours will appeal more to teenagers and older audiences because it can show adventure. There are also the light colours which would appeal more to younger audiences because it would interest them more because it would show some humour and fun in the film.

In the Lego Movie poster for the cover line it says 'The story of a nobody who saves everybody' which may appeal to adults because they would want there children to know that anyone can do anything and you dont have to be special to do certain things and    that you can be yourself rather than some one your not.

Wednesday 30th November 


1- Use accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar 

2- Explain WHY certain elements of media language appeal to the TA 

3- Use the PEEL chain to structure your analysis 

4- Use CONNOTATIONS to explain the appeal 

Lego Movie poster paragraph 

The lego movie video game might appeal to adults because on the poster it shows different variations of characters which shows the video game could help with personal identity and adults would want that because they would want there children to find out who they are, what they want to be and there values they have as a human being. 

The lego movie video game might appeal to teenagers/children because the poster of the video game shows action because of the colour palette such as red and black. It also shows action by the setting which is a city and citys are usually used in action video game

It could also appeal to adults and teenagers because the video game will allow social interaction and the parents would want there children to play with there friends and siblings an then the teenagers who play the game will talk about it with there friends                                                            and there family who also play it. 

The lego movie: representations 

L:o- To analyse the representations throughout the lego movie promotional campaign 

1- She has make up on, eye lashes and hair dye, in the poster she is represented as a  side kick 

2- She doesn't look scared so she looks determined and serious and her outfit is black which is unusual for girls to wear stereotypical 

Trailer and video game trailer 

anti stereo typical- wild style 

she's fighting 

she is driving 

she is strong 

she builds 

"come with me if you dont wanna die"

Wednesday 7th December 

Roadman- Josh Adams    Weirdo- Nathaniel Roth        An average person- Mark Douglas 

Gender: Male                   Gender: Male                        Gender: Male 

Age: 15                              Age: 15                                Age: 14 

Ethnicity: White                Ethnicity: Mixed                 Ethnicity: Black 

Sexuality: Straight            Sexuality: Bisexual             Sexuality: Straight              

Disability: None               Disability: Autistic              Disability: None 

Chav- Ebony Estes          Emo- Carley Lawson 

Gender: Female               Gender: Female 

Age: 15                            Age: 14 

Ethnicity: White              Ethnicity: White 

Sexuality: Straight          Sexuality: Lesbian 

Disability: Adhd             Disability: None        

In the Lego movie poster they are supporting stereotypical of age because they show that Lord Business is older than Wyld Style and Emmet because Lord Business has wrinkles and grey hair. Another way they are supporting stereotypical of age is because Emmet and Wyld Style are shown as young people because they have no wrinkles or grey hair. In the poster they are challenging stereotypical of gender because Males are usually shown as the heroes but in the lego movie poster Emmet is scared and running away or towards something and then Wyld Style the female is running away or towards something with a serious and a non scared face and this is challenging stereotypical of gender because in movies Males are shown as strong and heroes and then the women are show as sensitive, vulnerable and house wives but instead the female is being shown as the hero and the strong one and the male is being shown as weak and vulnerable. 

Wednesday 4th January

L:o- To explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively 

Type of media    Uk Regulator 

-Film                 -BBFC

Tv and radio     -OfCom

Advertising      -ASA

Magazine         -IPSO

& Newspaper  -IMPRESS

VideoGames   -GRA 


Simultaneous Release 

Profit maximised- increases potential audiences 

Familiarity- brand, plot and characters known 

Extends pleasure of the film-  chance to be a part of the film world; can have extended narratives 

Cross-promotion- efficient use of marketing of both products to promote the other 

Type of media    Uk Regulator 

-Film                 -BBFC

Tv and radio     -OfCom

Advertising      -ASA

Magazine         -IPSO

& Newspaper  -IMPRESS

VideoGames   -GRA 

 Wednesday 18th January 

Dirt for the assessment 

L:o- To review and reflect on the unit assessment and set personal targets

For Q6 i need too revise factual information and i need too have a definition for it                                

For Q7 i need too revise how a process works and i need to find out what it does too help    

Notes about vertical integration i need to work on 

Vertical integration can allow your business to expand geographically by adding distribution centres in new areas or by acquiring a new brand. Generally, geographical expansion works best when expanding within a company's own segment in the supply-distribution spectrum.      

Vertical integration requires a company's direct ownership of suppliers, distributors, or retail locations to obtain greater control of its supply chain. The advantages can include greater efficiencies, reduced costs, and more control along the manufacturing or distribution process.              

For Q8 i ned to revise promotional campaign and how they targeted a range of audiences 

.Talk about the posters 

.Talk about the video game + the video game trailer 

.Talk about TV ad break 



For Q9 i need too talk about the lego movie poster campaign 

.Talk about the poster 

.Talk about Stereotypical of gender 

.Explain 3 or 2 clear points 

Question 8 dirt 

The LM promotional campaign has used different type of ways too target their audience for an example they have put stuff online which teenagers will see because they like to go on the internet because off their phones so if they see the lego movie hashtags and merchandise going popular they would want too see what all the fuss is about so they would go and see the movie because they want too join in on the trend. They also try and target parents as well because of the tv ad break they would use lego movie people and lego movie sets for well known adds and then they would put a character after each ad and that may interest the adults and they would take there family out too watch it. 

Wednesday 4th December 


L:o- To explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively 

.Target audience of The Lego Movie is universal so it is watched by adults teens and young kids 

.Gratifications is a theory of audiences 

Personal identity: The character may help us consider who we are 

Information: You find out information about the characters 

Entertainment: Offers a distraction from the world 

Social interaction: You could watch the film with you family and then talk about it or you could play the video game with your friends and you could then talk about it 

.Intertextuality is referencing another text that was successful for example in The Lego Movie there is Green Lantern, Batman and Wonder Women  

.Stereotype is a widely helped but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing


Emmet is a constructor which is a very typical job that a man could have 

Wild style has makeup on and has her hair dyed which is a stereotype for women

Video game of The Lego Movie 

Personal Identity: Choosing characters - 90+ characters 

Information: You may get more information about the film

Entertaining: There is lots going on in the video game - Example: Building and dDropping into to other worlds

Social Interaction: You can play with friends 

Ad break 

British heart foundation 

Bt Broadband 

Premieer inn

We are introduced to all the main characters between each ads

After the ad break it is followed by the trailer of The Lego Movie


November ppe 

1) TT Fusion - The company that produced the Lego Movie Video Game 

2)  Building up promotion for the film 

3) . Merchandise such as the lego Movie video game can extend the life of the film by cross promotion        and helps to develop the franchise 

    . The increase in synergy and promotion between the film and the video game helps to ensure greater        profit for both 

   .  Releasing the video game cross-platforms targets the same audiences

    . The creators will get more money from both 

4) Conventions a trailer - Time: 2-3 Minutes 

                                          . Promotes the film 

                                           . Introduction to characters

                                           . Typically haves a voice over 

                                           . Intertitiles - Release dates 

                                           . Convention of actions 


  1. THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer


    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent!
    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: with the colour palette - link to genre conventions


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