Music Magazine

Monday 20th March  

L:o- To explore the magazine industry ownership, regulation & revenue 


Conglomerate: A media conglomerate is a company that owns large numbers of companies in various mass media including television, radio and publishing. 

Globalised: Globalisation has a great influence on the media and further its impact on us. The most visible effect of globalisation is wide spread communication.

Diversify: Where a media company moves from producing one type of product to creating different media forms

Regulation: Media regulation refers to the process by which a range of specific, often legally binding, tools are applied to media systems and institutions to achieve established policy goals such as pluralism, diversity, competition, and freedom. 

Revenue: Revenue generation is complete amount of money that is generated during a specific time period.

Circulation: Circulation is a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed.

Whats on tv: Time Inc + IPC connect 

Radio Times: Immediate Media Company 

Tv choice: H Bauer publishing 

Take a break: Bauer Media Group

Good housekeeping: Hearst Communications

Glamour: Condé Nast

Inside Soap: Hearst Communication + Nat mags 

1. 600 

2. Closer 

3. Bauer Media reaches diverse demographic groups via its network of over 100 magazines, 150 radio stations, 70 podcasts and 500 websites.

4. Spanning 8 countries – the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Poland and Slovakia, Bauer Media Audio owns leading brands including KISS, Mix Megapol, Absolute Radio, Magic Radio, Radio Norge, Radio Expres, Radio Nova, Radio 100, Today FM, Newstalk and RMF.

5. Bauer Media Group is a diversified media conglomerate because. . .

1. The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) is the independent regulator for the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK. . It considers complaints about newspapers or magazines (and their websites) which are members of IPSO.

2. Yokohama Dena Bay stars 
Monday 17th April
L:o- To identify and explain different music genre 
Rock, Jazz,  Hip-hop, Indie, Country Music, Classical Music, Heavy Metal, Musical Theatre, Disco, DnB. 
Rock: In a rock boy band men tend to wear a bandana, a wristband, a scarf, sunglasses, watches, and other accessories. They sound loud and they also sound powerful. Most rock songs surround common topical themes such as sex, drugs, pain, rebelliousness, trying to cope with life's struggles, and love situations

- Muse 


Rock: Rock is known as a music which has a strong form and For a younger and more modern rock look, consider skinny jeans instead of baggy, shapeless ones. To achieve a punk rock look, try tight pleather (or leather) pants, a short plaid skirt, or plaid pants instead. If it's a glam rock look you want, consider leggings with an intricate pattern or tight vinyl trousers.   The outfit choices will help empathise the type of music they play. In a rock band the type of behaviour would be a bit more hyper active then other bands would be.  


 The best looks for a jazz club include high-end jackets for men and black gowns for women. You can also go for anything you would like to wear, from office to casual wear and everything in between. The behaviour in this band would be formal  rather then hyper active . 

Target Audience: 25-48
The radio station that features jazz: Jazz FM 

Jazz Mood Board:

Monday 15th May 

L:o- To explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines 

1. The first magazine on this page is Rock, I know this because the colours are dull such as red, yellow, white and black. Another reason how i know  its rock is because they are holding rock instruments which is Guitars, one more example of the first magazine is there facial expressions and my reasoning for that is because they people looks like they are shouting or screaming and in Rock music they tend to shout or scream. 

 2. The second magazine on this page is pop or indie, i know this because they have chosen colours that stand out such as the background being pink and then in the writing its filled with yellow and blue. We can also see that it is pop because of her outfit and her flowers. 

3. The final magazine on this page is Rap i know this because they have used not dull colours but not necessarily bright colours that stand out for example, they have used red and that colour can suggest that the genre could be anger. The outfit also suggests that is rap because of the hat and the less colourful outfits 

Typography: Typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader. It involves font style, appearance, and structure, which aims to elicit certain emotions and convey specific messages.

Layout: Magazine layout is about creating a harmonious relationship between text, images, and white space.

Lexis:  Language • The lexis – the actual words – used in the product may pertain to the genre of the product and be recognisable to audiences.

Colour Palette: As the cover is the main selling point of magazines, it's important to use a colour which compliments the core feature image

Mis-En-Scene: The arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of theatrical production or on the set of a film.

 In this Rock magazine they use typography we see this because they have put the cover line in front of the main image and the font is unusual and it is big so it will stand out more than anything. They also use Layout we see this because they have space around the text and it isn't all cramped together and since it is spaced out it will be more readable and more noticeable for the buyer of this magazine. They also use lexis so the certain words they use will attract certain audiences such as, 'the next generation of heavy'  so if the audiences like heavy metal then they would be attracted to the magazine. The colour palette is dull but then they have red so it helps the magazine stand out and look more interesting. The magazine has a selection Mis-en-scene use we see this because they have different arrangement of props such as guitars and keyboard which helps suggest they are a Rock band. 

key: Terminology

In these Rock Magazines the colours are dull and they are more masculine colours for example the colours are dark blue and red. The font is source serif and that makes it dull and it also seems to be more masculine because its not a pretty font and pretty fonts tend to be used with women magazine. In these magazines the shot is mid shot and close up this shows that mojo wants the audience to focus on the diagram. 

In these pop magazines the colours a fun and bright which will attract the audience they want and the fonts are more cramped in together which tells us how mojo wants the font to stand out more. For the colours they have also used a minimum of 3-4 colours and that shows that mojo want the audience to be fun and exciting for the audience. The colours are also more feminine.

In these magazines the colours are not that bright but they aren't that dull so they are in between so that tells us that mojo wants it to be noticeable but they dont want it to be bright and outstanding. The colours are more dull and masculine. The font is more cramped and less spacious and that tells us how mojo wants  the diagram and the writing to be equally noticeable. 

Monday 5th June 

L:o- To identify target audiences for a variety of music magazine genres and link to genres and link to genre codes

Genre and Target Audience 

Magazine       Audience 
. font              . Age 
. image          .Interestets
. Colour         .Gender 
. Masthead    .Ethnicity 
.Pull quote 

.Age/ Gender                         
.Employment status 


The bright colours connate that its upbeat and exciting which can reflect on the audience. The way the Ed and Land not serious liam are standing shows that it is fun and there facial expressions also do the same and this will reflect on the audience. The source serif represents that its more modern and neutral.

In the description the women is shown that she looks and likes classic by the formal outfit she is wearing and then the violin thats in her hand shows that she likes classical. Another thing that shows that she is classical is that her make up is natural and its not out there like pop magazine models would be. The colour palette is sophisticated which suggest she is classical. 

Monday 19th june 


L:O- To explore and define the magazines target audience 

Genre  classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental.

Publisher -  Bauer Media

Target audience- - 30 - 40 + 

circulation - 
PlatformAverage per Issue
Print copies52294
Digital copies10439

Brand - Emap 

. The most successful  magazines are the luxury brands these use advantages of the high print media such as, high quality photography and familiar conventions. Mojo has some aspects of the quality monthly but it is only semi - glossy and lighter weight paper so there for it is not a luxury brand.

1- Mojo covers both current and establishment 

2-Each time you buy a mojo magazine you get a cover feature of an act 

3- Mojo are the music expert the readers like modern rock, classical, folk, soul and then to country.  

Class system 
Lower class - The social group that has the lowest status in society; the working class  
Middle class - A social group that consists of well-educated people, such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers, who have good jobs and are not poor, but are not very rich.

Higher class - A group of individuals who occupy the highest place and status in society

.Spotify, youtube and Amazon 

.He loves the good thing in life, admires punks confrontational spirit and love of manufactured collects cds 

.Has Daughters and sons 

.A professional with high disposable income 

.He is fun and loving 

He loves music 

.Because mojo covers there interests  

Personal identity - Helps one with there individual expression by inspiring them 

Information - Gives us information about latest music 

Entertainment - You can read it and mojo gives a cd and you can listen to it 

Social information - You can talk to your friends about it 

Monday 17th July

L:O-To identify target audiences for a music magazine 

and analyse for the representations present

Representation and Target audience 


Monday 11th September 

Do now: 

Drake is a well known singer to both genders 

He is an idol to men 

Women find him attractive

Gender neutral colours 

Education - posh, musical education

sophisticated language

specialised language linked to music   


L:O- To explore the appeal of mojo magazines to its target audience 

Active audience 

To read a magazine is being active because you can chose which bit of the magazine to read, skip or reread.  

To buy a magazine is being active because you have to chose the magazine you want buy looking at the cover and chose what magazine appeals to the viewer the most. 

Passive audience

To go to a cinema is being passive because you just sit there and watch the film and you dont get to rewatch or chose what you watch 

Uses and Gratifications  

Personal identity- Gender and Interests 

Information- You get information about an experience 

Entertainment-  Free CD gossip conversations 

Social interaction- You would talk to families and friends about the magazine 

Personal identity 

.She likes to rebel because she is criticising the christianity or religion in general because she is licking the cross. She isn't a punk artist but the design she has done for this photo has made it look like she is. She has got a school blouse on which means students who are in school will look up to her.


On the context page you can gather information by looking at the hot news section, You can also get information from the mojo filter section. In those sections you can find out who is singing,  you can also find out what the latest album is and within that section you can also find out what type of books you can get. You can also find out what type of music is on screen and what is live and if you are new to the mojo brand then you can find out how to buy things. 


For entertainment mojo magazines offers a free gift every time you buy a magazine, the gift tends to be a CD which will give out entertainment for the viewer.  The magazine also gives a way out from the every day life by letting you enter the celebrities life style. The magazine also includes comedy, gossip and attractive stars. The cover line also suggest entertainment. 

Social Interaction 

Music Magazines offers gossip and news that might be based on a real life conversations and debates between friends and families. The readers might substitute for real life interaction and if the viewer may have not been able to go to a concert but reading the magazine may allow the viewer to feel like they have experienced it. 

Personal identity- The audiences specific taste in music is Nirvana and likes foo fighters

Information- Info about Dave Grohl and Elivs Presley 

Entertainment- Unique free CD 

Social interaction- After getting the magazine the reader can discuss the CD with. there friends or family, they can talk about an interesting cover line 25 years on the survivors speak. 

Monday 18th September

L:O- to understand exam style questions and practice the exam technique 

Question 1 

1. Ofcom 

2. BBC 

3. Tv or Radio what provides information, advice or entertainment.

4. Convergence 

5. Diversification 

6. Conglomerate 

Question 2 

1. PBS benefits the public by educating the listeners on worldwide information by keeping them informed on the news. They can also play popular musics to certain audience such as upcoming artists  to help get started in the industry, the artists have to be from uk and the need to appeal the Gen z generation. they feature talk sessions of advice like exams.

Music Video

Teenage Dirtbag: 

Representation: Popular girls and boys Less popular girls and boy High school life America Prom Geek Jock Romance 

Media Language:

How are the audience appealed to each: The audience might relate to some certain characters

Skater boi

Representation: Rebellious Teenagers Less Rebellious teenagers City Illegal Concert in the street Skater boy Skater girl Has a boy girl narrative Romance 

Media Language: 

How are the audience appealed to each: The audience might relate to some certain characters

In the skater boi music video they are shown to be different by the Mis-en-scene and the characters. For example the director of the music video makes teenagers rebellious which stereotypes teenagers in general. thee reason why i think the direct has shown the teenagers a rebellious is because most of them that are with Avril are wearing punk outfits and at the start of the video they are spray painting the walls. However in the teenage dirtbag music video, 

Monday 22nd September 

 1. Ofcom 

2. BBC 

3. Tv or Radio what provides information, advice or entertainment.

4. Convergence 

5. Diversification 

6. Conglomerate 

Mojo magazines attracts there audience by certain ways for example, they have a free cd for every magazine that you buy so people would be attracted to the magazine because it has free entertainment and the free cd could be their music interest which would also make them want to buy it.  On the mojo magazine it also gives out information on the front "R.I.P Amy.." which would interest the reader to carry on so they would have to buy it and another reason why they would want to buy it is for social interaction because they can talk about the information or cd with friends and families. - 3 marks?

Music Industry


. Narrative 

. Editting 

. Mis-en-scene 


. Stereotypes 


.Who owns the radio 


.Who watches it 

BBC: Public service podcasts has to benefits the public Tv license funds BBV Meet remit 15-29 live music talking slang interview people

Commercial: A station that just wants to make money Big audience (mass) 15-17

The BBC Radio 1 live lounge has to provide a wider range of content because they have to meet the remit, to meet the remit the BBC radio has to attract the younger side of audience and to do that they interview younger upcoming artists and they also use slang during the interview such as "yo, bro and for real" another way the attract younger audiences is by having younger producers who can relate or understand to the Gen z generation. The commercial radio does not have to follow the remit but they do have to make money but they dont do that by broadcasts or information they do that by advertising stuff that younger people like 15-17 year olds would be interested in. Another requirement that the BBC must follow is to provide information for the public so a way they might do this is get an upcoming artist in and talk to them about their music and their life that they had before coming famous. For example, Tom Grennan came in for an interview and they were asking him question about where he lived and what he did an we found out that he lived in Bedford and went to school St. Thomas more catholic school and we as in the audience wouldn't of known that if the BBC Radio 1 didn't provide that information for us.

Monday 2nd October

Do now: 4/5

1. Media language is Mis-en-scene yes

2. An industry is someone who owns a radio yes

3. An audience is a certain range of people who listen to the radio yes

4. Representation is Stereotypes yes

5. Context is What is going on in the film 

Teenage dirtbag 

Nerd - looked down, laughed at, not popular.

Popular girl- camera shot -walks like she owns it, her clothes are trendy and there is a slow mo. 

jock- Everyone moves out the way, close up on his smiling and bully 

Sk8ter boi 

Fast pace camera work angle shots are high rebellious because of the clothes she is wearing and how she spray paints illegal gig.  They are reckless because they are driving fast and angles are low. 

In teenage dirtbag it is clear that the main character is a nerd because of the mis-en-scenes the director uses. For example it is clear to the audience because he is wearing a big coat and a wooly hat that non of the popular kids seems to be wearing so that suggest he is a non popular because he isn't following any of the clothes trends. Another way that shoes he is not popular is that in the corridors he gets barged around and gets laughed at so that tells us he gets bullied. One more way we see that he is not popular is because he sits underneath a sign which says loser and he gets a sandwich thrown at him by a popular. 

Monday 9th October 

Do now:

1. Mis en scene is  the positioning of Actors, the set or location, the props filling that set or locale, the lighting of the set, and the composition of the shot itself.

2. Editing is to prepare motion-picture film, video, or magnetic tape by deleting, arranging, and splicing, by synchronising the sound record with the film.

.3. Camera work is the way it has been filmed, especially if the style is interesting or unusual in some way.

4. Sound is non diegetic sound diegetic sounds, ambient sound and music 

5. Narrative is Linear story, performance and story non-linear narrative 

L:o- to explore the exam style question and practice exam technique for q4 focusing on media language and representation 

 Black white, colour- Older - Traditions - Classic artist- Seriousness 

Close up, Features - Facial expressions - reveal emotions 

Text alexis, Using text to describe the person - Arise - Dark knight - Alliteration - Depressed - Troubled past - questioning his belief 


 Analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from mojo magazine  

The representation in the mojo magazine cover are that of a depressed individual who has a troubled  past and is questioning his past and future path. This is shown through alexis and to prove my point the use words such as Dark Knight and Arise, the alliteration suggests that the individual is depressed and troubled. Another way that the individual is shown as depressed and has a trouble past is the colour palette, the colour palette is white and black which is boring and almost sad colours which gives off the impression that the individual is depressed. Another way his emotions are shown is by the camera work for example, we can clearly see that his face his moody and not happy which gives off that hes just not interested and he doesn't have a lot of enthusiasm.

The representation in the mojo magazine cover are that of an older, serious stereotypical man. This is shown by the camera work for example, it is a mid close up and this allows the viewers to see his facial expressions which is serious and that tells us how he is older because the older generation tend to be more serious then the younger generation.
Monday 30th October

Do Now:

1) What is shot type - close up, mid shot, medium long shot and long shot 

2) what is typeface - a design style that comprises a myriad of characters of varying sizes and weight

L:O- To explore the exam style questions and practice exams technique for question 5 focusing on media language and representation 

 1. Shot type - Long shot 

 2. Star vehicle - The wire a drama series 

 3. Colour palette - Modern - blue, green, grey, black and white

 4. Masthead style - Arial black
 5. Main cover line style - Big and bold so it attracts people 

 6. Minor cover line style - Small and cramped so people will still see it but its not as important 

 7. Puff - Eugen S Robinson 

 8. USB (freebies) - None 

 9. Placement of text - Cramped up but spaced out which drags attention to the big ones which are spaced out 

10. Genre codes - The main character in the main image of the magazine is serious because of what he is wearing and the pose he is standing in  

Monday 6th November

Do now: 

1)  Baby boomer generation are people who were born after world war 2

2) Diversification the process of varying products 

3) Audience address is how the text speaks to the audience, and involves and influences them 

4) Discerning is having or showing good judgement 

5) House style is a company preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material 

1) Medium LongShot 

2) David Bowie 

3) vibrant colours - Pink, Blue, Purple, White - Pastel - Feminine - saturated 

4)  7 artists + David Bowie 

5) Uppercase - Sans serif - Shadow - Bold

6) Uppercase - Sans serif - Bold

7) Uppercase - Sanserif - Bold - B + W 

8) Pink, White - Tone - Puff 

 This mojo magazine has an extreme colour palette such as pink, blue,
 purple and white all these colours are also feminine this connotes
 that this audience is more aimed at women then men. 

The David Bowie mojo magazine and The wire magazine are very different because because in the bowie magazine the colours are very saturated but then in the wire magazine the colours are very muted. For example the colours in the bowie magazine are more vibrant such as pink, blue, purple and white where as in the wires magazine the colours are more dull because the colours are more modern such as blue, green, white, brown and black. The mojo magazine with bowie suggest that music is powerful even maybe magical but then the colours in the wire magazine suggest that the show is more serious. 

Monday 13th November

Do now: 

1. The bbc

2. Tv license 

3. Ofcom 

4. Public serving broadcasting 

5. Public service broadcasting is the benefit of the public 

6. Two types of radio is public serving  broadcasting (education) - information for the public and commercial (to make money) - to make money

L:O- To research the case study annotate in detail the examples from the case study 

For live lounge we need to consider: 
Songs and original cover 

Guest info: Olivia Dean, 24 years old,  She is in a band with 10 people

Episode date: 24th October 

Quotes from the show to remember 'Man' 'not my first radio collab' 'i mean like' 

Consider: she has worked with rudimental and her first solo on the live lounge she covered Beyoncés song it tells us that she is talented as she is covering a well known respected artist. 

Inform, entertain and educate: Standing ovation for Olivia entertaining through live musics, Live band with her  

Innovative and cutting edge new uk music: New music for public 

Appeal to TA: feels like it is just a group. of friends talking 


 Who does it appeal to? 

 15- 29 years old 

 How does it appeal?

 By using slang, younger new artists and through presenters, they do interviews

 Which kind of audiences are targeted here? 
 The audiences that are target are people who want fun entertainment 

 How is commercial radio different?

 Commercial radio is to make money where as radio 1 doesn't do it for their benefit 

Who are their audience?

Commercial radio is a mass audience 

How do they appeal to the audience? 

They use popular music 

How does the LL meet the remit?

They entertained the listeners by interviewing Olivia Dean and they also play her song dive she also did covers off Beyoncé

They also meet the remit because Olivia dean is 24 year olds which is in the age range and she is also from the uk  

The Live lounger is also meeting the remit because they are supporting Olivia Dean.

Another way they meet the remit is by telling information about Olivia dean

Monday 20th November 

Do now:

1. Genre codes -  Things that let the audience know if it is a magazine, music video or radio. Signs Masthead 
2. Intertextuality - References to another media text 
3. Typography - Type of font - San serif, serif, Ariel black 
4. Connotations - Something suggested by a word or a thing (meaning) 
5. Lexis - The words on a magazine 
6. What are the context issues that might be reflected in magazines today? - More gender equality,  Multicultural, Phones + Internet and celebrities  

L:O- To explore the exam style question for music magazine and music video

 1. Mid shot - Main image, female, young, revealing clothes, direct audience 
2.  Shakira 

3. Yellow - warm, saturated, almost golden, idea of respect and wealth 

4.  TikTok is mentioned

5. Sans serif - Modern, clean, lower case, relaxed, informal and colloquial 

6. Masthead - Simplified - relaxed and informal 

1. Shot type -  Medium long shot - No direct address male, young, covered - suits - lack of sexualisation

2. The Beatles 

3. Saturated, bright, 60s - 70s colour - rainbow - reflects 1960s 

4. San serif, white, clean, upper case - shouting about music - Shows a sophisticated look in music, cluttered in contact, more exciting 

In these two magazine we see a difference in both by the media language that the two use for example, in the billboard magazine with Shakira the Typography is less cramped and it is more spaced out which gives us a calm representation however in the mojo magazine with the Beatles the Typography is cramped up and place next to each other and on top of each other which gives off that the magazine and the Beatles will be more exciting. Another way Typography is used differently in the two magazines is by the colour palette of the text in the billboard magazine the colour of the texts is more saturated and warm which again gives off that the mojo magazine is more fun and then in the mojo magazine the colours are more exciting for example they use red, green, yellow, blue which tells us that it is exciting and fun. Another way that media language is used differently is their outfits Shakiras outfit is revealing and informal which tells us that she is more relaxed and then with the billboard magazine the people from the Beatles are wearing suits which tells shows a more sophisticated look in music and gives off a clean representation. In conclusion the two magazines are different for example the billboard magazine is calm, relaxed and informal whereas the mojo magazine is more exciting, fun and formal.  

Music video 

Teenage dirtbag - 

popular groups: 'jocks'  Mis-en-scene - respected 
The geeks: 'Nerds' Mis-en-scene - Not respected 
Skater boi -

The teenagers: 'Skaters' Mis-en-scene - 
                                      Emos  - 
promoting being rebellious because they make it look fun and exciting - Gender roles, female leads - 

City: Representations

Ideas to write about 

camera work 

Monday 20th May

Do now:
- Offcom
- Broadcasting which benefits the public
- Convergence 

Exam revision 

Teenage dirtbag -           
School - Scenery 
Diversity of people 

 City life 

Question 2 ^

Live Lounge

Radio 1 Live Lounge want to create a wide range audience so over time they can create more money and become more popular for example if the Live lounge was to play classical music from 60s, 70 etc then it would appeal to an older audience however if the Live Lounge were to play newer music then it would attract younger people.

. BBC R1 
. Ricky, Melvin and Charley, early 30s - Presenters 
. They us slang, big up, sick
. Support newer British artists  
Mojo magazine
. Gothic 
. Serious 
. Alternative - Pale make up , contrasted with black eye shadow and hair.
. Colourful colour palette

Question 5: 
. Changes in gender roles 
. Attitudes to sexuality 
. Multiculturalism 
. Celebrity culture 
. Consumerism 

In conclusion the media language between the two magazine is different by there Masthead, Colour palette, Cover line (lexis), main image and layout which shows the different type between the genres.  


  1. 5/6- Good notes for today and work on audience and genre. T: you must ensure that you state what it reveals about the audience or how it appeals to the audience, not just reflects the audience.

  2. 18/9- Good notes from the tasks T: Q2- try to give two e.g. that are explained to get full marks and for the radio question try to link back to the remit for PSB.

  3. 10/10- Excellent start. T: 3 another paragraph to expand your answer.

  4. 20/11- Very good analysis points, T: 2. You need to explain further exactly what each element shows/reveals about the magazine audience, representation, content, or image.


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