
Monday 11th December  

Do now: 

1) Lighting camera sound and editing

2) Actors Hair and Makeup 

3) Historical political and social 

4) What something might represent 

5) What something actually represents 

What is News?

L:O- to explore the history of the news industry and the genres of newspapers 

The purpose off news is to benefit the public and give them information about there local town, other cities and the world as one in general and the news is also known to entertain, educate, persuade, manipulate and to make profit. 

The history of news 

.250 years ago people would go to the market and find information about the news by gossiping 

.150 years ago the invention of the steam press made newspapers possible 

.The news got to people by transportation and communication

.Only business made newspapers and told the news

.Now we have phones so we can tell each other news 

.People nowadays like to share videos around social media to inform other people

Monday 15th January 

Do now:

1) What ownership does the observer have? - Scotts Trust 

2) What type of ownership does the sun have? - Media Baron: Rupert Murdoch 

3) What type of ownership does the daily mail have? - Cross Media Conglomerate: DGM Media 

4) 27.3%.  of the British press is owned by? - Lord Rothermere 

How does media ownership contribute to new bias? 

. Commercial Advertising 

. Political opinion of owner 

. Business interest of owners/friends 

. Profit:  Newspaper are not PSB - news is not 'non-fiction' it is stories designed to sell 

Ownership and Bias

. Newspapers are gaining political and social influences 

. Guardian and Observer are owned by a trust 

. Liberal values have meant support from the guardian for both the Labour party and the Liberal                Democrats 

. Guardian Media Group bought the Observer in 1993

How does the newspapers make money?

They sell newspapers in shops and online so it is accessible for everyone 

They do subscriptions 


Events and other sales 

Sponsored Content 

Circulation - subscription 

Paywalls - paying to access online content 

Membership - Protecting online content 

print and advertising to sell whats going on 

sponsored content - Interesting topics

Monday 27th January 

Freedom and regulation 


.To protect privacy 

.To protect unwanted news being spread 

.To hold newspapers to account 


. Press freedom 

. To avoid bias 


L:O- To investigate the audience for the OBSERVER publication

1. The Scott trust 

2. Left wing  

3. Self regulation 

4. By promoting the business online and in shops 

5. The voluntary donation is in place so they can still make money 

Ways to access the newspapers 

- Social media: Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and TikTok 

- The shop: Online or in reality 

Age + Gender: 15-34 50-50  male and female 

where do they live?: The live in London and the south 

Social Class: ABC1 

what is the political view?: Left wing 

Values and interest: Arts and cultures Food and drink 

1. Convergence - Two different platforms coming together to create more information of the news for the public. 

2. It applies the observer because they have expanded their platforms 

3. You can find information in depth and you can get podcasts and there are lots of comments which can engage with and find out more.

Monday 5th February 

Do now: 

 Explain two ways that the observer is funded. Clearly explain 2 funding methods. Provide examples   these. 

.Newspaper observers are funded by two ways such as subscriptions and advertising for example, 

Media Langauge 

L:O - To investigate how print newspapers use media language to create meaning

Advantages and disadvantages of online newspapers 

.An advantage of online news for the public is that they dont have to pay and they dont have to go out to the store

.A disadvantage for the industry is that there wont me more buyers because they can read it online for free which means less money for the industry. 

.An advantage for the industry is that there will be less use of money because they wont have to pay other companys to help them 

.An advantage is that it better for the planet 

.A disadvantage is that some people might not have technology

.An advantage is that there will be more news to read about 


. Liberalism - The fundamental liberal ideals of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the separation of church and state, the right to due process, and equality before the law are widely accepted as a common foundation of liberalism.

. Internationalism -  Understanding between nations 

. Patriarchy - A society in which the oldest male is the leader of the family, or a society controlled by men in which they use their power to their own advantage. 

. Racism - Discrimination against another race 

. Consumerism - Buying things you don't need

. Masthead - "The Observer" 

. Dateline - Sunday 4th February 2024 

 Byline - Toby helm and Michael savage 

.  Headline - "Labour draws up ultra-safe bombproof"                 manifesto 

. Sub head- "Patient tell of trauma at rehab linked to scientology".  

Caption - "Sinn fiens Michelle takes her places"

. Main image - first minister of Northern island -Shanti das 

. Minor images - Trump vs Taylor swift 

Monday 19th February 

Do Now: 

Advantages and disadvantages of print of newspapers:

.An advantage is if people dont have technology to see the news online they can go down to the shop to get a print off newspaper to still be informed on the news which will create more money for the industry 

.A disadvantage of printing out newspapers will cost more money for the industry which means they need more money to produce the newspapers 

.A disadvantage is that the buyers have to by it 

. An advantage is that its traditional for the older generation to buy newspapers 

. Political bias - Left wing because the observer is supporting the ukraine who need help by featuring     them as the front   

. Owned by a media group - The guardian + Newspaper off the year 

. Representations -

. variety of features -

. Choice of text -

Monday 4th March

Do now:

1. A navigation bar is a link to appropriate section 

2. A heading or advertising on a web page 

3. A pull quote is a made up text that is an attention grabbed piece

4. A stand first is the summary paragraph of a text in a newspaper article 

5. a masthead is the title of the newspaper


 . 'Lawyers will urge divorce by consent' 

 1060s - Gender equality .Social change - Starting .Women get more rights

. Patriarchy society of the 1960s:

The law council was staffed by men and women didn't have the same rights to divorce 

. 'Wilson - Brown market clash'

A political news story surrounding europe + relationships with Britain complex relations

. Cold war - America society, union - russia

The Cold War was an ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II

'Jackie: was very happy' - This is a patriarchy society because we were only told who she was marrying and nothing about her

'Union postpone strike' - An increase of social power - Barbara - castle - female polotition - only women with power shown - promoting gender equality pay (equal pay act)

'Britain shoots a goal' - Accepted part of life that you can be racist

Monday 11th March

Historical case studies

L:O- To evaluate the impact of social, cultural, political and historic contexts on 1960s newspapers. To structure an exam style response.

Do now: What things were happening in the 1960s?

- Gender inequality 

- Patriarchy 

- Vietnam war 

- Espionage

- Nuclear war 

- War  

- Homophobia 

- Racism 

- Civil rights : America 

- Cold war 

1. Explain how broadsheet newspapers reflect the time and historic contexts in with they were published. Refer to the observer front page from October 20th 1966 that you have studied to support your answer. (10 Marks) - 3 paragraphs - 10 minutes

1. The observer from 1960s reflect that racism was apparent in society. For example, a headline presents 'Britain shoots the goal' This clearly indicates how the people who were protesting outside off the stadium for civil rights which ended in suspension from Mexico. There for it is clear to see that the observer showed that it is normal to be racist because they have printed it out on the newspapers for the public to view which would help influences the publics opinions on racism. 

Another thing that the observer reflected on was that Britain was more patriarchal in the 1960s. An example of this is on the front page there is a main image of a women in lingerie which indicated that women were used for there bodies and sex by men, this also shows that men over powered women. The observer shows how patriarchy was normal and how it was acceptable for women to be treated poorly by men. 

In the 1960s the observers reflected on war and how society was unsure of what was happening and how unsafe they felt. For example when a headline says 'So polite, this North Sea spy game.'  This reflects that the society in Britain was unsure on who they can trust because 'spy' suggests that they didn't know who they were able to trust because people were undercover. The paper also reflects on the imbiber fear between the society because of the russian aircraft was flying over where they weren't aloud. The observer shows how scared people were and how they felt unsafe in there home town because off the war. 

Monday 18th March 

Exam Format 

L:O - to explore the exam format and content for the news unit 

1 Mark question: Industry and terminology 

.Could be on terminology or specific industry based questions: 

.How is the observer funded? Issue price, advertising and subscriptions. 

. Owned by Scott trust

. Regulated by ipso 

. globalisation 

. Diversification

. Convergence 

A word that describes a world wide scale = Globalisation 

A word that describe the type of newspaper the observer is = Broadsheet

4 Mark explain question: social media and online press (industry)

They could ask about: 

. Online diversion - advantages etc 

. Use of social media 

. Newspaper funding - print and online 

. (Describe) Hard vs soft news - print and online

Explain two reasons why print newspapers survive despite the growth of online news =

Printed newspapers attract older people because traditionally older people would rather newspapers than social media. Another reason why print newspapers has survived is because not all people have access to the internet. 

Explain one advantage for each off the following 

. publishing online 

. publishing print

Publishing news online will allow people to have a quicker and a more convenient way to find news because the internet is fast and accessible. Publishing print newspapers will give a wider range off access for people because in some cases it is more accessible for people to have print newspapers because they might not have access to the internet.    

5 Mark unseen extract short analysis question: contemporary print (media language and representation) 

Refer to extract 3 in the insert 

Analyse hows this guardian front page represents two social groups that are often un-represented in media.

The guardian represent un-represented show groups on their cover for example they have a main image off a women who is typically un represented but this main image shows she is confident because of her smiling and high posture. The headline next to her 'The woman who shamed bbc" also shows she is a confident because she is strong enough to tell someone how she feels which is untypical for women. 

The guardian is representing a serious show group because off the protest for black lives matter for example, the men who are protesting shows serious and confidence and overpowering. This also shows that the guardian supports the seriousness of the protest and the fact of why they are doing it. 

15 Mark unseen extract long analysis question: contemporary print (Media language and contexts)

Make a judgment 

.Media contexts 

in this question you will be rewarded for drawing together elements from your full course of study including different areas of the theoretical frameworks and media contexts.

L . Media language 

I . Industry 

A . Audience 

R. Representation

Genre = Type of newspapers

Printed or online  

The media language of the observe reflects the genre conventions of a broadsheet. 

Monday 25th March

Do now: 

1. Conventions of tabloid newspapers covers

. Calm colour - Red + White 

. A selective main image

. 2 paragraphs  

2. Broadsheet 

. Bold colour - pink and red

. A lot of text Guided practice Q9 

L:O- To explore the exam format for q9 for the news unit and apply analysis and exam writing techniques


Broadsheet magazine 

Copy - Text  




Media language analysis

P1: Masthead- Bold, Serif, Black and white, Capitals and Lowercase 

P2: Image - Mid shot, Press conference, Staged photo, Rishu Sunak + American politician, Positive photo - Shaking hands, The uk and us work together politically and throughout history + World war 2 - It shows a union. 

The observer newspapers with Rishu Sunak and an American politician is a broadsheet newspapers and this shown because it includes a political arrangement between Rishu Sunak and an American politician. This is shown by the main image, this photo is a staged magazine of Rishu Sunak and an American politician and once again broadsheet newspapers are known for there images this main image shows the seriousness between rishu sunak and the american politician because it shows a union between the two. this main image also shows that the uk and the us work together politically and throughout history (World war 2).

In conclusion...

Monday 15th April 

Do now:

1- L - Language I - Industry A - Audience R- Representation 

2- Cold war, Racism, Patriarchy 

3- Ukraine war,  Accepting sexuality and culture


L:O- To reflect on the exam and identify areas to improve 

Q6 - How many relevant categories or categorisation system e.g age, class, economic, status, gender, race and ethnicity

Q7 -  Stated - Where they are from - they are on platforms -  no laws - too complex - rapid sharing - data privacy - any other reason

Q8 - The high proportion of news copy on the front page - several news stories in multiple columns 'copy' - the use of sentences case headline in a serif font. - the use of more formal language register than the tabloids. 

Q9 - Analyse the representations giving detailed examples - refer to social and/or cultural contexts - Makes judgments and draw conclusion  


Need an introduction and conclusion for a judgment 

Focus on representation 

Analyse images on the cover that show the observer values 

Link to contexts 

More depths of analysis for higher marks

Answer: Representation is typical of the observer 

Main Image - Equal gender - Breaks stereotypes - Liberal + Equality 

The representation of analysis is typical of the cover for example the main image shows equality for gender this is evident because there is a mid shot of two opposite genders playing sports.  Another reason as to why the representation is typical is because it breaks stereotypes.

Q10 -  The lesser development on consumerism meaning the broadsheet front pages are more dominated by more columns of stories  

Monday 22nd April

Do Now: 

1- left wing brief and values = change progress equality supporting others 

2- Broadsheet magazine 

Copy - Text  




Complex lexis

Exam format question 9

L:O- To explore the exam format and content for the news unit. 

Newspapers - Broadsheet 


Media contexts                                                                        

- Gender roles                             

- Multricurllism 

- Lifestyles 

- Democracy 

- Consumerism 

- Celebrity culture

Media language

-Colour pallet


- Font choice 

- Complex lexis 

- Copy - Text 

- Main image 

- Broadsheet 

- Overall layout 

Over all answer - It looks like a broadsheet 

 This Observer newspaper reflects the conventions of a broadsheet newspaper because it contains common representations found in broadsheet newspapers. An example is the main image, there is one image found on the front off the newspaper this reflects the common representations of a broadsheet because it isn't the main focus but it is does not dominate or cover the whole front page. It conveys gender roles this is evident because there is a women as the main image which shows they care about gender equality, the main image also shows Multricurllism because the celebrity in the main image is part of the black race. The mix of different culture and gender roles show The observers focus and interest on representing diversity.In conclusion this looks like a broadsheet newspaper because the observer has common representations of a broadsheet newspaper.

Monday 28th April

Do now: 

1- Tabloid: Large ratio of text to images 



Q10: Modern Analysis 

L:O- To explore the contextual issues of news in a modern newspapers 

What is the definition of context mean: The exposition behind a topic (Background)

Modern context: War: Ukraines vs Russia and Palestine vs Israel - Equality: sexuality roles Multiculturalism - gender roles - consumerism - Celebrity lifestyle 

1 - Multiculturalism - Protests - BLM - The observer is supporting the newspaper 
2 - Article on outdoor furniture - Consumerism 
3 - Headline - 'Samira Ahmed the women who shamed bbc' 'David Olusoga Britain too is disfigured by pervasive racism' Gender equality - Celebrity lifestyle - Multiculturalism 

10) Explain how social and/or cultural context influence print newspapers today, refer to example from the observer to your answer.

The current contextual issues of the time can be evidently seen on the cover of the of the observer which demonstrates how current contextual issues can influence newspaper contexts. The main image featuring the Belurus women march shows that there is patriarchy still present with us today. However The observer magazine also demonstrates that the fight for gender equality is supported by society and the readers of The observer as the features a main image which suggest on the newspaper and it takes a supportive stance towards the the protests. The imagine in the masthead of Alan Davies and Stephanie Yeaboh also suggests gender quality and multiculturalism. The audience desire for gender equality and multiculturalism has meant that they have taken time to observe the problems in society within gender equality and multiculturalism and that this is focus for the cover on everyday. Therefor  it is clear to see that the contextual issues of today such as gender equality and multiculturalism and the strive for that to happen in society. 


  1. 8/1/24- Great work from the first lesson, read through what you missed today and make a few notes on the slides.

  2. 5/2- Good statements, 2/4- T: You need to explain each method for full marks.


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